The Continuing Journey

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After I left Yu Jun Mountain, I arrived in a small village called Puqi Village. It was small, quiet and seemed to be a nice place to rest for even just a little while. So that's what I did.

I found a cool, shady spot at the edge of the forest and decided to lay down and close my eyes for a bit. After a while, I started hearing what sounded like people talking and the sound of a moving waggon. I opened one of my eyes and saw exactly that, although the people talking were on the waggon while it was moving. I saw the man that I saw at Yu Jun Mountain talking with a man wearing red with his hair up.

Usually when I'm near people or villages, I can hear people complain about how cold it has gotten but for some reason, them calling it out made me nervous for some reason. "Hey San Lang, did it suddenly get colder or am I just imagining things?" The man in red, or San Lang, shook his head, "No I don't think so, otherwise you and I are imagining the same thing." I quietly went further into the forest and laid down behind a tree, not realizing that there was a(n) ice trail that I had left behind.

3rd POV

Suddenly, Bai Ling heard footsteps instead of the wagon but she continued to lie there, as if she were sleeping. When one pair of footsteps stopped behind her but the others continued to stop beside her, she moved to lay on her side but while doing so small bits of ice and snow formed around her to make the ground around her more comfortable. She heard a slight gasp when that happened and groaned just a little but still continued to lie there motionless.

"What should we do," who she believed to be the man in white, said. "I don't know. I've seen ice trails like this before but never thought that this woman would be the one making them," said San Lang. Bai Ling stretched as if she were just waking up from slumber, sat up and looked around until her eyes landed on two men in front of her. She tilted her head to the side slightly, "Who are you?" she asked while looking back and forth between the two. The said men were stunned with how blue her eyes were. It was almost as if the sea became her eyes and were staring right back at them. "Um... excuse me?" She said timidly, shaking them out of whatever trance they were in. "Ah, sorry my name is Xie Lian and this is my travel companion, San Lang. We were just heading to my home when we noticed some ice and snow that led back here to you and were a little concerned when you showed no sign of life until a little while ago." Bai Ling took a little bit to process what they had just said "I've always been trailing ice and snow everywhere I go. No matter the weather or wherever I am, the snow and ice seem to follow." After she said this both the men were shocked to be told that it has always been like this for her. "How long has it been following you," Xie Lian asked. Bai Ling took a little bit to answer then finally looked Xie Lian in the eyes and said, "For as long as I can remember, so I believe that to be for my entire life."

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