4. I Like Nighttime Drives

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That night on the drive home I was in a better mood than I had been in after any of my shifts. I did like Brian. I mean he was funny so it was hard not to but obviously I thought he was quite hot as well.

I knew I wasn't going to do anything about it because 1. I work with him and 2. The odds of him liking me back at the same time are low.

I didn't mind though. It's not like it's a crush. I just think he's hot. Which is a lot easier since having a crush on someone you work with when you have no plans on acting on it sounds like hell.

When I got my rota messaged to me I couldn't help but smile at the thought of Brian sneaking into the office and changing the rota for me. Mission was successful though I guess.

When Tuesday rolled around I was actually in a good mood for work. Purely because I could be sure it was gonna be a good day since I was closing with Brian.

'Hi Brian.' I said while I threw my bag into the office.

'Hey.' He said while turning away from the grill and leaning against the side to face me instead. 'Andrew hates you.'

'What? Why?' I exclaimed while turning to face him also.

'He says you stole his job.'

'Did you tell him it was your idea?'

'No.' He scoffed while diverging his attention back to the grill. 'He doesn't even know it was me who changed it.'

'If he really hates me that much I'm gonna tell him.' I said while getting the frozen burgers from the freezer and trying to rip the bag open.

'No your fucking not. You better not, he'll kill me. And I was doing you a favour.'

'I'd rather him kill you than hate me.' I said before trying to rip the bag open with my teeth before finally giving up and grabbing the bread knife.

'Why are these bags fucking indestructible.' I mumbled while gritting my teeth together and trying to slice the bag open with the knife, not realising how stupid it was to try and rip it with the spikes of the knife facing me.

I held the corner with a tight fist in one hand and the other to try and slice open the bag. Doing it more aggressively than the last out of pure frustration.

One of the spikes on the knife got caught on the bag so I just pulled even harder which made the piece of stuck plastic rip, making my arm fully retreat back to my body. It finally sliced open the bag but also sliced my finger along with it. I jumped at the sting and instantly dropped the knife, making Brian sharply look up from his bored daze at the cooking patties.

'Oh sssshit.' I hissed while looking at the cut on my index finger, watching as blood seethed out from the cut and started rapidly dripping down my finger.

'Oh fuck!' Brian exclaimed while dropping his spatula and grabbing my hand to inspect the cut.
'You fucking idiot.' He said while cupping his hand under mine to catch the dripping blood. 'Come to the bathroom.'

'We can't leave the kitchen with no one in it.' I said while gesturing toward the kitchen as he led me off with one hand gripping my wrist and the other still cupped under my hand.

'Y/n it doesn't fucking matter. You're bleeding.'

Brian yanked me into the women's bathroom and told me to sit on the side where the sinks are.

'Why are the women's bathrooms so clean?' He said with furrowed brows while looking around him in a daze.


'Yeah! Right your finger!' He shouted while snapping out of his trance and quickly getting a giant handful of tissue paper.

'I've not been amputated Brian it's just my finger.' I said with a slight laugh. Brian rolled his eyes and wet some tissue paper before taking my hand again and started wiping the blood that dripped down my finger before wetting more and cleaning around the cut with a face of intense concentration, being careful not to get too close to the cut.

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