15. Having A Smoke

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Before leaving for work I said bye to Lorelai and thanked her for letting me use her stuff, also asking where she got her concealer from since hers made me realise how dogshit mine is. I also said bye to Pippy with a little kiss on her head as she slept in bed.

'Can you stay over again tonight?' Brian said, breaking the peaceful silence that we'd been sitting in for the last 10 minutes.

'Uhh....I dunno. Before I came over I left a note on my bed saying I'm at a friend's house but I did wake up to 7 missed calls from my dad so I'm assuming he's mad. Especially because he's still mad about the last time I came over as well.' I said while taking my attention off of the window to the side of me and lighting a cigarette.

He still had his eyes focused on the road but I didn't miss the little defeated frown that fell on his face from my words.

'But I mean if he's already that mad I don't think staying out another night is gonna make much of a difference.'

Brian sharply turned his head towards me, with a warm smile, excitement brimming in his eyes like a child.

I smiled back and pressed a quick, genuine peck on his lips. 'Look at the fucking road you idiot.' I said with a light chuckle through my nose while holding the cigarette up to his lips for him to take it.

When we got into work I walked ahead of Brian, making a b-line straight for the office to get a uniform but Andrew was going out for a smoke while we were coming in.

'HA bit big?' He scoffed while looking down at my clothes.

I just looked down at my clothes and back to him and shrugged.

'Why are they so-' He laughed before cutting himself off. 'Are they Brians?'

'No.' I said with furrowed brows while slipping past him and going to the office. After I'd found and put on some leftover, unwashed Mickey's uniform that actually fit, I put the shirt and jeans in Brian's car. 

I worked with Brian in the back and Andrew was on his new spot on the till. After around an hour Amber strolled in, shooting Andrew a confused glare.

'Why are you here?'

'What? Why are you here?'

Me and Brian looked through the food heater to the front  to see what the commotion was. Amber looked at me and Brian then back at Andrew. 'For fucks sake. Tony must of fucked up the rota.' She huffed.

'Well I'm not going home! I need the money.' Andrew snapped.

'Well neither am I and so do I. If the rota is fucked up then that's Tony's own fault. If he's put us all on the rota then he's paying all of us. It's the law.'

'Does that mean you'll do the till?'

'Well yeah. I always do the till.' She shrugged.

Brian stood up straight and squinted his eyes for a second. 'I'm going on my break!' He shouted over to the two of them.

'Say that you're going to the bathroom in like 5 minutes and go out the side entrance.' He whispered while walking right past me.

'What?' I shouted as he walked away.

I didn't know what Brian was planning but I knew it had to be more interesting than whatever conversation I was gonna have with Andrew.

I waited around 6 minutes before shouting catch and throwing my spatula over to Andrew, which he clumsily catched, and said I'm going to the bathroom. I went out to the side and opened the door to find Brian was leaning against the wall, having a smoke. As soon as he heard the door open he grinned and threw his cigarette on the floor, stepping on it to put it out as he made his way over to me.

'What are-'

I was cut off by Brian grabbing my wrist and pulling me to the back of the building, lightly pushing me to the wall and instantly kissing me with hunger.

I instinctually jolted my head back with the surprise of the kiss and my head hit the brick wall behind me.

'OW! What are you doing?'

'Shit sorry!' He exclaimed while putting his hand on the part of my head I'd just banged and rubbing it slightly. 'Trying to makeout at work.'

'But I only said I was going to the bathroom. Andrew will start wondering where I am if I take too long.'

'Fuck Andrew, he takes 20 minute long 'bathroom breaks' at a time.'

'But what if Amber-'

Brian cut me off by lifting my head by my chin and kissed me once. Open mouthed and painfully slow, brushing his tongue against mine and tilting his head to the side to make the side of his nose brush against mine. I instantly followed the kiss without even thinking of it, not considering stopping myself.

He pulled back the slightest bit to give me chance to leave if I wanted to but I mumbled a quick 'Fuck it.' to myself and pulled him closer, into another open mouthed kiss.

I felt him smirk slightly against the kiss, probably from the satisfaction of having such an effect on me but I quickly wiped the smirk off his face by taking his hand that rested on my waist and moving it down and under my shirt then resting it on my bare tit, leaving my hand over his, squeezing slightly to insinuate for him to carry on doing the same before taking my hand out and entangling my fingers through his hair.

He moaned breathily against my lips while pawing at my tits. I moved my kiss from his lips to his neck, then sloppily kissing and biting at the underside of his jaw, making him let out a soft, almost moan.

He must have gotten a little embarrassed by being so vocal because he pushed me back against the wall, kissing me ferourishly and biting at my bottom lip as he did so and toying with one of my nipples, making my breath hitch.

As I started creeping my hand up under Brian's shirt the door handle jiggled and I instantly pushed Brian off of me, with enough force to make him take a few steps back.

'What are you two doing?' Andrew said while turning his head past the door to see us.

'Having a smoke.' Brian shrugged, breathing heavily through his nose to both catch his breath and also not make it obvious to Andrew.

He looked at us both with squinted eyes and an unconvinced face. 'I don't see either of you smoking.'

'Duh, we finished it.' I said with an eye roll while brushing past him.
Brian started walking behind me, alongside Andrew.

'You two are fucking aren't you?' Answer whispered to Brian, thinking I couldn't hear. His grin was almost audible through his words.

'No but I fucked your mom and she told me she doesn't love you.' Brian replied  nonchalantly, making me quietly chuckle through my nose.

'Dude come on, I won't tell anyone.'

'We haven't fucked. We aren't fucking.'

'I don't believe you.'

'I don't give a fuck what you believe.' Brian scoffed.

After that I spent the next 10 minutes in front of the fryer with my shoulders slouched, praying that first of all Andrew wouldn't see that my nipples are hard and secondly that I wasn't wearing a bra.

Brian was meant to be on close up with Amber today so I just sat in one of the booths reading on my phone and listening to music until they were done.

Amber left after around 45 minutes and 10 minutes after that Brian came out with his bag and a little smile and nod toward the door to tell me he's done.

I followed him to the car and put on the Limp Bizkit CD he played the first time he drove me home and lit a cigarette, passed it to him, and lit my own.

'Can we stop at my place first?' I said while pointing for him to turn up the street that led toward my house.

'What about your dad?'

'I have a key and he should be asleep now. And if he's not I'll just grab my shit and run out. What's he gonna do?' I shrugged.

'Mm okay if you're sure.' Brian said with an unconvinced look.

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