Chapter Thirteen

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"Knock knock." My head shoots up from its previous uncomfortable position being weighed down by the heavy collar. Katar stands, awkwardly fidgeting, just inside the doorway. "Can I come in?"

My head bobs up and down, the excitement at having a chance to speak to this funny guy again almost enough for me to ignore his odd glance at my neck. Katar wanders further in, closing the door behind him and, after a moment's hesitation, drops down on his knees in front of me. The quick action startles me a bit so my chains rattle. It again draws Katar's attention as he bites his lip in thought. I decide to let him be, perfectly content to enjoy having company. Something that has been rare on this trip which is unusual for me as normally one of my owners would call for me at least once an hour. I've never been this inactive before.

"Sooo..." Katar draws out the word, his lips forming an 'O' shape as his eyes glance around the tidy hotel room. "Erm, how are you?"

I tilt my head as if a different angle would help me to understand Katar better. Yesterday he seemed confident and sure of himself except when...

Maybe he's disgusted with me for not tidying up after my punishment.

Once again, guilt burrows into my body and tightens around my lungs. I choke the words out past stiffened lips. "I'm s-sorry."

"What?" Katar's eyebrows scrunch together as a frown forms on his face. His back straightens and suddenly he seems so much taller and bigger than me.

Perhaps he is here to punish me. I keep being bad.

"Hey, hey. I'm not here to scare you or anything. I didn't mean to upset you. I just..." Katar rushes the words out, his body slouches again when he trails off. His eyes flit nervously between me and the floor before determination takes over the orbs. "I think we should be friends."

Friends? He wants to be my friend?

Butterflies. At least that's what it feels like. Something is fluttering around in my stomach. But they're good flutters. Happy flutters. Katar waits and it takes me a while to figure out why. His whole body deflates like a balloon letting out air before it clicks.

"Yes." To me the word felt like I shouted it however Katar probably had to strain his eyes to hear me. A second later a beaming smile stretches his face, taking over from the previous frown.

"That's great." Katar throws his arms up but this time I manage to stop myself from flinching back. I haven't really had a friend before but I don't think you're supposed to be scared of them. "Oh."

"What?" His sudden gasp mixed with the elation of finally having a friend pushes back all anxiety of talking to him.

Katar doesn't seem like someone who would be able to hurt or punish me. I think it would upset him more than me.

"I just realised that I don't even know your name." Katar phrases it in a way that gives me a choice of whether or not to answer.

My name.

It's something I haven't heard for a very long time. I might have even forgotten that I had an actual name other than Puppy had I not met Katar. It feels like something personal and special to share with my new friend.


"E-E." My voice gets stuck so I stop to take a breath. "Emory."

"Emory." Katar whispers my name like he is trying to make sure he never forgets. The action has my cheeks lighting up, or maybe they were already burning from the moment he said he wanted to be friends. "Well, nice to meet you, Emory. My name is Katar and I am twenty-four."

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