Chapter Twenty-Two

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Foreign lips press harshly against mine, opening to allow for the wet tongue to push through. Cringing away, I tighten my lips and try to turn away but the hand gripped in my hair doesn't let me. It hurts. It feels gross.

It's nothing like Kenneth's sweet, loving kisses. Or Ethan's hot, messy kisses.

Thoughts of my owners remind me of the number I found. I don't want anyone else using me except my owners.

Almost instinctively, my palm comes up with a force I didn't know I had and slams into Mick's face. Not prepared for the hit, Mick gets knocked back off of me.

"Bitch!" Mick holds his sore cheek, looking at me shocked.

"I-I-I-" No actual words are making their way out of my mouth as I'm just as surprised by the slap. But I don't have anytime to gather myself before I'm pulled up by a hand in my hair. Something hits against my cheek, slamming my head back down on the floor. I cry out, reaching up to feel my head where pain is now radiating from.

"Emory." Zack's face comes into focus as I blink away tears. His eyebrows are pulled in and his lips tugged down in an angry frown. Rage and irritation clear emotions swirling in those endless, dark pits. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Zack, please. I don't wa-want t-to." The sobs choke up my words.

Another slap is the response to my words, shocking me into silence once more. "Shut. Up."

Clenching my jaw tightly, I bite down on my bottom lip hard enough to split the skin to stop any sounds from passing through. Zack's calloused fingers pinch my trembling chin, leaning down until our noses touch. His thumb releases my lip from my firm jaw causing me to hiss as the skin tears more, small beads of blood bubble up from the split.

"Mph." I whimper as his thumb presses down on the cut harshly, spreading the blood across my lips and into my mouth. A disgusting, metallic taste scratches at my taste buds.

"Shh, sh, sh, shh." Zack's forehead presses down onto mine, his dark eyes holding mine yet this time I don't want to look away. The dark aggression is gone and replaced with something comforting. "It's okay. Sh, baby."

Something grips my heart, squeezing uncomfortable.

"It's okay, it's okay." His lips touch mine, they brush together with the smallest amount of pressure. It's not a kiss, more of a whisper of a touch, staying there as he continues to murmur reassurances. "It's going to be okay. Sh, I've got you now. It's okay."

"Zack..." The name comes out in the lightest breath as my eyes slip close, a single tear slipping out.

"Just be the pretty and obedient doll that I know you are." He moves slightly and I try to cringe away from the unexpected tongue licking up the single tear trail, a nervous shiver crawls up my spine.

"I'm- I'm not a... a doll." My breath stutters as I push past the fear and meekness to force the words out. "I- I'm your brother."

"You," His hand grips my neck, his thumb pressing down on my windpipe and blocks off my air supply. Wheezing, I scratch at his hand. "Are not my fucking brother."

Huffing, Zack loosens his grip and raises a little to look at my wet eyes. The other fingers stroke down the side of my face. "Just play nice and you'll enjoy it. Mick'll be nice."

"Ha. Sure, I'll be nice to the slut." Mick snarks, leering down at me. "I'll give 'im exactly what he's been beggin' for since he knocked on my door, pouting with those cock sucking lips."

"N-no, I-I didn't- I don't- Zack." I cry out, frustrated. Blinking to stop anymore pathetic tears to fall.

Why are they doing this? Why is Zack doing this? I want to go back, to go home.

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