𝖳𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝖧𝗎𝗋𝗍.

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This is an Eddie x Wally angst requested by the one and only Xx_C0FF1N-B1TCH_xX Enjoy! or don't! I'm not here to tell you what to do
TW: Obsessive behavior, A letter opener being used as a weapon, unhealthy relationship.

"Eddie... Where are you...?" Wally's voice echoed through the empty post office, buzzing in Eddie's ears like a fly that wouldn't go away. The sound of footsteps slowly faded as Wally went further from Eddie's hiding spot. "I didn't mean to hurt you, it was an honest mistake, really." Eddie had to stop himself from scoffing, not wanting to lead the yellow puppet to him.

The truth was, Wally had been clinging to Eddie like velcro for the past few weeks, and when asked to give him some space, Wally got defensive and started to argue with him. The argument spiraled, and Wally had blinked, taking a large and painful chunk out of Eddie's right bicep. He shivered at the recent memory of their earlier interaction and glanced at his arm, which still had stuffing coming out of it.

The orange puppet was thankful for the darkness of the recently closed post office, otherwise, Wally would have noticed the trail of fallen polyester and Eddie would have been found immediately. Eddie thought for a moment, glancing around the post office, until his eyes came to the back door. If he timed this right, then he could run out and warn everyone else that Wally had gone insane. He went from his balled up position to a kneel, craning his neck to see where Wally was in the room.

There was no sign of the small puppet, and Eddie went into a crouched position, scanning the area to find something that he could possibly protect himself with.

His eyes fell on a small letter opener. It was blunt and wouldn't cut easily, but it might still work. Eddie made his way to the paper knife and picked it up with trembling hands. He glanced around the room again, and stopped short as he heard the same sleepy voice, laced with saccharine like always.

"Eddie, please come out. I promise I'll make it up to you. You like apples, don't you? I'll get you some, just please, come out... I promise I won't hurt you again."

Eddie scowled at the sound of Wally's voice. What kind of nonsense is that? The moment he sees me, he'll probably blink, and that'll be the end of me. Eddie clutched the letter opener tighter in one hand, then made a run for it.

Wally heard the rushed clack of Eddie's shoes as he ran towards the back door. Wally smiled, then made his way to see his partner. "Eddie! You don't trust me? I said I was sorry, I promised not to hurt you, why don't you believe me? Why are you still running?" Eddie tried to turn the door knob. It was locked. He was cornered.

He turned around to see Wally, standing there with his arms crossed behind his back, wearing a fake hurt expression. "Because you took a bite out of my damn arm. That's why!" Wally frowned, something Eddie didn't think he was capable of doing. "Eddie..." The taller puppet stiffened, gripping the letter opener behind his back and scowling. "No! Go away!" His bravado quickly faded, and tears started to prick his eyes.


Wally shook his head, the same damn smile coming back to his face. "Oh Eddie, my dear. I couldn't possibly leave you alone, I love you too much." Bullshit. "Come on now, I'll take you back to Home and I'll patch you back up." Eddie's eyes flicked up behind Wally. There was a straight shoot to the front door, which could be unlocked from the inside without a key, unlike the back door. He could run, but Wally was in the way. Going along with this was his best bet, he could run as soon as he left the office and Wally wouldn't be able to catch up with him. "...Okay." Wally smiled widely. "Splendid! Now, come, take my hand. I can't have you running away, can I?" Eddie shook his head, slipping the paper knife into his back pocket. He slowly walked towards the shorter puppet, who held his hand out for Eddie to take.

Wally squeezed Eddie's hand, making his way to the front door of the post office and turning the handle. The moment the door opened, Eddie took the letter opener and stabbed Wally through the arm and ran. Wally let out a cry of pain, his smile disappearing and his pupils dilating as he focused on Eddie.

He blinked, and just like that, Eddie's throat was missing a piece.

The mailman choked on a cry of pain that wasn't possible because of the large gaping wound. He fell to his knees, shaking as his eyes brimmed with tears of pain and fear. Eddie's head spun, he couldn't breathe. He looked up at Wally through blurry eyes as the shorter puppet casually walked to him. "Wow... You really thought you were doing something smart there, didn't you?" Wally grabbed the letter opener and pulled it out of his arm, tossing it to the ground. He glanced down at Eddie, then crouched to his level so he could gently tilt his sobbing partner's chin up. "I'm so sorry Eddie, but you tried to run. I couldn't have that. I do hope you understand..."

Eddie's vision went black, and he felt himself being picked up and slung over Wally's shoulders. "I'll fix you up, don't worry. But you won't be able to leave again I'm afraid." Eddie slipped into sweet unconsciousness, not knowing or caring if he was going to wake up again or not.

Wally carried Eddie to Home, humming a small tune while under the cover of night, where no one would be awake to see them. He laid Eddie down on the couch, running a hand through the taller puppet's hair. Wally planted a kiss on his forehead with a small smile on his face. "Don't worry my dear..."

"You'll be okay."

1,023 Words

Sorry if this isn't what you wanted my guy, you told me to wing it, so i did.

All the same, i hope everyone enjoyed it, and feel free to leave critiques and writing tips on any of my stories, i'd sure appreciate it.

Until next time Readers!
and remember-

You're the absolute Most.

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