𝖱𝖺𝗂𝗇𝗒 𝖣𝖺𝗒

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A Frank x Eddie fluff requested by -FrankFrankly- Enjoy!

"I just don't understand how you could possibly deliver mail in this weather." Frank frowned at the taller puppet in front of him, who was dripping wet with rain.

Eddie chuckled, taking his hat off and wringing it out underneath the awning of Frank's porch before setting it back on his head. "Well, rain's just something i've learned to deal with, havin' a job like this. Anyway, here's the package you ordered." He took a small rectangular package out of his mailbag, handing it to Frank with a smile.

The grey puppet took it, setting it down on the small table near their door. "You could have at least brought a rain jacket with you, you're completely soaked through!" Eddie grinned at Frank's antics, shaking his head. "I ain't completely soaked, I'll be fine." Frank crossed their arms, looking up at Eddie. "Well, when you eventually catch a cold, don't blame me. Now, you can go continue your deliveries, I have research to do."

"More butterfly research? Heh, if I didn't know any better I'd say you know everythin' about those bugs." Frank's brow furrowed as he turned back to face Eddie. "They are not bugs. They are insects, and no, I do not know everything about them, hence the need to research. Now off you go." Eddie rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, I'm actually done with my deliveries for today, but if you insis-"


Eddie was cut off by an extremely loud clap of thunder. He covered his ears, looking back at the source of the ungodly sound. "Heh, actually, considerin' the lightnin' would you mind if I..." He looked back at Frank, who he immediately noticed was trembling. "Hey, are you alright Frank?" The grey puppet straightened their posture, clearing their throat. "Yes. I'm- I'm fine." Eddie frowned slightly. "You don't seem fine. Can I come in?"

Frank opened his mouth to make a retort about how Eddie might ruin the carpet with all the water, but another thunder clap sounded and Frank jolted. "Fine- You can come in." Eddie smiled at Frank before making his way into the house.

"You afraid of the thunder, huh?" The shorter puppet frowned, crossing his arms. "I'm not afraid. It's just... loud." The postman nodded, a faint smile plastered on his face. "I get it, you still seem a bit shaken though. You need a hug?"

"Not while you're sopping wet! At least get a towel first and dry yourself off." Eddie chuckled. "So that's not a 'no' to the hug?" Frank glared at Eddie, grumbling something under his breath before exiting the front room of their house to get a towel.

Eddie stood there, looking at the various potted plants that Frank had, along with the butterflies displayed on plaques that were placed all over the walls. Frank shortly returned with a dark green towel and they handed it to Eddie. "Thank you" The orange puppet took his hat off and used the towel to dry off his hair. He removed the towel from his head, his hair now unkempt and frizzy. Eddie wrapped the towel around himself, then looked down at Frank, just in time for another roll of thunder to pierce the steady sound of rain. Frank's face was flushed out of embarrassment, they didn't want Eddie to see them like this! It was humiliating enough to be scared of the thunder already, they didn't need their crush to know that fact. Eddie sighed, taking one of his hands and patting Frank on the head. "Hey, do you think I'm dry enough for that hug now?"

Frank stammered, not knowing how to answer in the moment, before nodding slightly and immediately being embraced by Eddie. Without warning though, Frank was picked up and carried to the couch. "What on earth are you doing?!" Eddie looked at Frank, a lopsided grin on his face. "I'm takin' you to the couch, you gotta calm down a bit more, this thunderstorm's got you too on edge." Frank's face flushed even more, wanting to object, but knowing that the orange puppet wouldn't listen, they kept their mouth shut. Eddie planted himself on the couch, setting a very frazzled Frank down next to him.

"So, do you wanna do somethin' to drown out the sound of the thunder? I know a couple of good movies, should take your mind off the crummy weather, at least 'till it clears up."
Frank huffed, straightening their shirt back out after Eddie wrinkled it with the way he picked them up. "It doesn't matter what we do."

"Alright then, a movie it is!"

"I coulda seen that coming." Frank scoffed, looking up at Eddie with their arms crossed. "Of course you saw it coming, you've seen this movie dozens of times." The orange puppet shrugged, resting his arms on the back of the couch. "So? It's a predictable twist, even you could see it comin'."

"Now just what is that supposed to mean?" Frank frowned, and Eddie chuckled at their defensiveness. "Nothin', I'm just messin' with ya." Eddie's head perked up as he looked out the window. "Well, would ya look at that, it ain't rainin' anymore." Without warning, he stood up. "Well, I suppose my work here is done." Frank sat up straight, looking up at Eddie. "Wait-"

The postman looked down at them, tilting his head slightly. "Yeah?" Frank fumbled for a moment, then regained their grip on their ability to speak. "You can't leave in the middle of a movie, what about the ending?"

Eddie grinned, then sat back down. "All I'm hearin' is that you want me to stay." The grey puppet glared at Eddie for a moment, then sighed. "Yes, I would like you to stay, please." Eddie nodded, the grin still plastered on his face. "Alright, I'll stay."

"Thank you." Eddie leaned back, slinging his arms on the back of the couch. "You're welcome, love." Frank allowed himself to smile slightly, then realized what Eddie had just said.

1,009 words

Another oneshot done! I'm feeling really proud of this one

as always, feedback is appreciated, and i hope you guys enjoyed!

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