My Nick Valentine

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"You better get to know the major players here in town." I dismounted from my armor as we came to the outskirts of Goodneighbor while Nick was de-briefing me. "Goodneighbor is where the filth washes up, which means it always has what you need." He paused, not quite sure what to think as I pulled on the leather coat. "You uh...leaving that here?"

I looked over at him, my tone dry.

"I'd rather not advertize I wear that armor until I see what's up."

He cocked his head at me slightly, as if making sure I wasn't out of my mind.

"Yeah, but will it be safe?"

I hit a button on my Pipboy, resulting in an answering 'chirp, chirp' from my armor, the headlamp flashing as the alarm armed itself.

"Of course. It's got an alarm..."

With that, I followed Nick in through the doorway into the town of Goodneighbor.


"Error!! Cryogenic malfunction!"

The intercom crackled with static, the sound echoing as if I was inside a tin can. I practically fell out of the pod as the heavy steel door opened, the hydraulic system squealing in protest. I hit the ground on all fours coughing hard enough to cause dry heaves and make me gasp for breath. I wasn't sure how long I'd been out, but if the literal dry as bone skeleton three feet from me was any indication, it's been a while.

My mind stumbled, my eyes darting around without really seeing anything, as my gaze tripped over the dead person in the hall.

How long does it take to turn to bones? 50 years in here? 100??

A sense of deja vu came over me as my eyes snapped to the pod across from me, still sealed along with every other pod. I didn't remember standing up, standing at the observation window in the pod, my eyes pinned to the dead body of my brother.

"Nate!" I screamed his name, pain flowing through me, as if I was being beaten with a bat.

His eyes opened, milky white from the freezing process as he looked at me, his voice echoing in my head.


I sat straight up in the bed, the old mattress creaking under me as I moved, clutching the worn thin blanket to my chest as I gasped for breath, my heart pounding.


I took great lungfuls of air, breathing deeply and slowly as the dream faded. I slowed my panting breath, fixing my gaze to my lap as I forced myself to calm down, letting the face of my brother drift away with the return of wakefulness.

I shouldn't be surprised...


I visibly jumped, my head whipping in the direction of the voice, the fact that the Detective was with me in Goodneighbor forgotten momentarily. He sat comfortably at the table, old ads on the wall behind him decorating the Hotel Rexford room. Evidence of my distress must have been written across my face and easily seen by the synth detective as he was quick to apologize for startling me.

"Sorry." His tone was contrite as he continued. "Are you doin', okay?"

I sighed, rubbing my hand over my face feeling every bit the damsel in distress, that slightly awkward feeling of vulnerability at being caught in the face of the stress of my nightmares.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm good." I stopped, mentally taking stock of my current mindset for a moment. "Thanks for asking, Nick." Valentine's voice was low and soothing, and I swung my legs over the side of the bed, stretching my back as I did, and grabbed my boots from the floor. "I didn't know I'd have to relive the day I woke up."

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