View from the Prydwen

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Note: This is just a little story I thought of one day and I had to write it...

Breakfast was packed this morning onboard the Prydwen, the usual networking and rotation of shifts flipping over from nighttime to the daytime roster. Haylen noticed the usual gossips along with a few new ones. So many came just to get a glimpse of one of the officers, and that included the field combat officers, the Paladins. Paladin Danse was one of the most sought after, if for not other reason, than his infamous ability to be completely oblivious to anyone flirting with him, of either sex.

"He has an iron will, that's all I'm saying." The female Knight spoke to her table mate, quietly about the Paladin across the room. "If Knight- Commander Singer was hitting on me I'd have caved already."

The handsome knight-commander was blatant in his flirting, and Danse didn't even bat an eye.

"Maybe he doesn't like men?" The two women continued to chat, only to have a man join into the conversation. Proctor Quinlan spoke up then, slightly amused.

"Well, last week it was Knight Ross and that is a beautiful woman. I'd date her and I don't even like women..."

Haylen noticed a certain new Knight approach the entrance to the cafeteria, her distinctive black armor a sight to see. Paladin Danse hadn't noticed her yet, and the Scribe spoke up. Haylen couldn't help but catch the attention of the other three curious to see if they saw the same thing she did.

"Watch this." The three stopped talking, watching the look on Paladin Danse's face when he finally caught sight of his sponsored Knight, Kira Langley as she entered the dining area.

Noone in the room missed the smile that the Paladin gave the second he saw the Knight. That smile alone earned the Paladin a few more devotees, and the Knight? Her hair was white as snow, earning her the nickname among the soldiers as 'Snow White'. Rumors she was a stunner didn't do her justice, and she had more than her fair share of stares. The two left the cafeteria together seconds later, but it was more than enough.

"Scribe....what did I just see?" Proctor Quinlan was almost confused. "Did Paladin Danse actually... smile... at someone?"

"So I'm not seeing things?" Haylen almost sounded reassured. "I'd never seen Paladin Danse take an interest in anyone. I thought my mind was playing tricks on me."

"Oh, that was definitely interest." Proctor Quinlan grinned, pleased with what he had seen. "We could use a new crop of squires once we've defeated the Institute. We will need to replenish our ranks once we establish ourselves in the Commonwealth."

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