Michael's Got Game

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Oh no; Gabriel has found his way into the vault of history! What happens when Gabriel tries... golf!

"Mike, Mike... Hey" Gabriel whispered excitedly as he scurried up to his fellow archangel. "Look what I found." He grinned as he bounced a golf ball in his hand.

Michael flashed him a perplexed inquiry. "What is it?"

"A game that will be invented a couple thousand years from now." Gabriel giggled as he dropped the ball on to the ground and took a swing at it with a wooden club fashioned to long sleek grey stick. "Ooopse." Gabe chuckled sheepishly. "I've been practicing but... aint quite..." He swung again and looked down at the ball still sitting there... 'laughing' at him. Gabriel took a concentrated stance and tried for a third time.

"GOT IT!" He exclaimed as the ball went wizzing past the eternal river and bounced off the Tree of Life. Gabriel and Michael watched in anticipation, as the little white screamer continued off into the distance. Just beyond the Lord's royal palace; it went flying through the door.

"AAAAHHHHH" The angels heard a bellow as they both grimaced and went running off to see what they havoc they've caused.

They stoped short just inside the King's door, as the golf ball came bouncing down the stairs of HIS MAJESTY'S throne room.

"Got it?" Michael peered over Gabriel and frowned as he ascended the steps.

"Got it?" Gabriel cowers "or...ehh?"

"Him." Michael confirms.

"HIM?" Gabriel grew saucer eyes.

"No, not HIM; him." Michael amended as Gabriel hurried up the stairs, amply prepared with an apology.

Standing before them with folded arms, trying not to laugh is their KING!

The angels' eyes drift from the Lord to the floor before.. HIM.

"Impeccable timing!" Jesus made a face and then let out a little snicker. "He was just about to complain about My servant Job."

"Again!" Michael shook his head. "Why doesn't he leave that poor guy alone?"

"Well it probably doesn't occur to him; seeing how I keep bringing it up." Jesus answered with a tad of a smirk and head shake of disbelief.

"Lucy never was too bright on the up-swing." Gabriel grinned in his own smirk of disbelief.

"No, but I see you're practicing though; huh?" Jesus gestured at Gabriel without missing a beat.

"Well... I guess I need more, Your Majesty." Gabe admittedly shrugged.

"Well no, I quite think that was a hole in one." Jesus chuckled followed by a side comment. "I'm waiting for you to take up baseball."

"Well Sir." Michael amended. "You did give him the key to the vault of history."

"That I did!" Jesus acknowledged. "And it's proven to be quite the comic endeavor around here!" The King sighed as He shook His head one last time. "Even though I hate to have to keep doing this." He amended as He peered down at Lucy and snickered. "Satan! Get up!" The Lord commanded with a snap of His fingers and Lucy is back on his feet.

"NO!" Lucy yelled. "I hate it when You do that!"

"Keeps reminding you who's in charge huh?" Michael posed a stern rebuke.

Lucy only turned and snarled at the other angels.

"And you were saying?" The Lord inquired of Lucy.

"Ah, yes!" Lucy suddenly... remembered. "Your servant Bob!"

"Bob?" Gabriel burst out laughing.

"Who's Bob?" Michael flashed Gabe a perplexed inquiry.

"I don't know?" Gabriel shrugged while trying to control his mirth.

"Does He even have a servant named Bob?" Michael raised an inquisitive eye.

"I don't know?" Gabriel answered.

"Do You have a servant named Bob?" Michael whispered toward his Lord.

"I have more than one servant named Bob." Jesus whispered back.

"What, his name isn't Bob?" Lucy swung around and glared at the King.

"No." Jesus answered.

"It's Job you dumb..." Michael slapped Gabriel before he completed his sentence.

"Donkey butt." Gabe amended in whisper.

"Yeah OK. Job, Bob; whatever." Lucy waved the comment away. "All the same to me."

"Well yes, discernment has always been a problem of yours hasn't it?" The King nodded knowingly.

Lucy swung around and stoped short; trying to control his distain.

"Well does he fear You for nothing?" Lucy suddenly burst out in aggravation. "Haven't You made a hedge around him, his house and all that he has?" He paused a moment. "On every side!... Ya know?" He glared at the Lord waving angry hands in His direction. "You have blessed everything he does and his investments just... keep growing!" Lucy continued to accuse. "BUT... But... You just stretch out Your hand... like right now.." Lucy stomped.

"As in raising your ungrateful dumb.." Michael smacked Gabriel again. "donkey butt." He whispered.

Satan swung around and hissed at Gabe before turning back to the King.

"Touch all that he has and he will curse You to Your face!" Lucy garbled out a few curses as he shot Michael a sideways glare.

"Very well." The Lord took up the challenge. "Every thing he has, I.. will ALLOW you.." The King paused to emphasize His point. "To have in your power. But only he, himself you can not touch."

Lucy scowled at the Lord before he swung around and shoved Gabriel and Micael out of his way.

Gabriel raised his club to take a swing, while Michael reached out to steady him.

Gabriel peered at Michael and sucked in a deep breath as he let the club drop to his side.

"I'm only stopping you because I want first crack." Michael whispered.

"First crack ehh?" Gabriel frowned.

"Nope fellas." The Lord put a hand on both of their shoulders as He peered between them. "First crack is Mine!"

Gabe instinctively handed the King the driver.

Jesus let out a snicker as He took the club from the angel and descended the stairs to retrieve the ball. He then turned around and gestured to Michael. Michael grew saucer eyes as he pointed to himself. Jesus nodded. Michael grinned grandly as he descended the stairs. Jesus took a couple of steps and dropped the ball right at the doors' royal entrance; then held the club out to Michael. Michael smiled at His King as he positioned himself and took a swing. A smart crack rang through the air as the ball went sailing.

"AAHHHHH!" A familiar voice hissed again.

"FOUR!" Gabe yelled.

"You're not funny!" The voice yelled back.

The angels just stood snickering as the Lord nudged Gabe and pointed to his companion.

"Mike's got game." He nodded with a wink. "But wait." He held up a hand. "Round two is coming."

In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly. Job 1:22

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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