The People you Meet ... In the New Heavens and New Earth!

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What happens when you get a bunch of veterans together sharing stories of wars that were thousands of years apart?

"Hey Yuri wait up." Frankie called to his straggling companion, who was meandering slowly down the ruddy golden path that lead into the New Jerusalem. Yuri was following another group of friends, albite not to diligently.

"Oh, Hi Frankie." Yuri grinned as he wielded around and began walking backwards, while the rest of the group paused a moment to see who was coming.

"Hey!" They all waved.

"What you guys up to today?" Frankie offered as he broke into a light jog, while the others waited.

"Oh we're all headed in different directions tonight." Yuri chortled as he presented a hand toward his array of friends; some of whom were apparently dressed for participation in sporting events, while others looked as if they were headed to the opera.

A round of cheery "hello's" ensued.

"You know Nash, Mustafa, Mambte, and Gentle Dove." Yuri continued. "Well, that's Carlos, Tamika, Haywan and Julian, but he prefers to be called Ice." Yuri grinned an aside, as he made a subtle hint toward Julian.

"Ice?" Frankie made a funny face.

"He likes to climb frozen things." One of the friends broke in. "But of course if you are going to scale a big mountain like Everest; you have to wear proper attire." He began to laugh. "When I took Mustafa to climb with Ice and we came in shorts and sandals. He says to me. Brother Mambte; man you ruining the ambiance." Mambte exclaimed as he struck a pose in likeness of a classic Greek statue. "But Ice, I don't know what ice is!" He grinned real big, trying not to laugh. "I lived in Ethiopia back in the days of King David. You think I ever seen snow before?"

"Hey, I was in Tiberius's army." Ice shrugged innocently. "We climbed a lot of icy things, just we didn't have neoprene and Thinsulate." He shuttered.

"Oh!" Frankie began to nod knowingly. "So you're one of the brothers from the ancient world who got sucked into the technology of the latter age." He started to chuckle. "You ever go over to AI island and listen to the robots and computers engage in an all out 'Yo Momma' insult smack down?" He grinned.

"Computer told the robot with the tiny head; 'Yo momma's chips too small to take over the world.' Robot said; 'How's yo momma know, when she aint got a leg to stand on?'"

Several of Frankie's friends groaned.

"Computer comes back with. 'My momma don't want to take over the world, 'cause she's got all she needs in the cloud."

Those of the era that 'got it' laughed.

"Robot didn't have a come back?" Carlos inquired.

"No it did." Frankie chuckled. "Threw an apple at the computer."

"Don't tell me." Nash broke in. "It was a macintosh."

And again, those of the era that 'got it' laughed while some of the others just helplessly shrugged.

"After my time." Mustafa made a funny face.

"Mine too." Gentle Dove added. "I was born in 1609 A.D."

"Ahhh!" Mustafa pointed at her. "I knew you were older than me!" He laughed as he proudly folded his arms. "But I can say that I remember World War One."

"World War One?" Frankie interjected. "I wonder if you fought my great great great grandson?"

"Speaking of World Wars; where's Johan?" Nash interjected.

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