Lucy, Gabriel and God

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Please tell me the time!

The angels in heaven still don't know the time of the end; but that doesn't quench Gabriel's curiosity.

Gabriel stood proudly outside the entrance to the throne room and watched as the majestic doors swung open to welcome him in. Much to his surprise it was void of both any one, as well as any ONE; seeing how usually when senior angels were called upon, there were at least a few who converged upon the presence of the Lord simultaneously.

Gabriel strode in, gazing upon the empty throne wondering where his King was. Of course it was not like God to be late; (how can One who's omnipresent be late for anything)? Gabriel chuckled to himself.

"Gabe!" An informal salutation echoed through the empty chamber.

"Lord?" Gabriel questioned, as though the voice sounded familiar; he was not usually met with such unofficial greetings.

"In here." The voice replied, as another large door which stood to the right of the throne swiveled open of just a crack large enough for Gabriel to squeeze through. How exciting! Gabriel giggled with quiet delight, for it was not often he was asked into the King's very own Holy of Holies.

What grand message does His Majesty hold for us? Gabriel's curiosity began to grow. Was it time for "Operation End Game"? Gabe wondered. Though he had been briefed on parts of the plan and he was throughly convinced of: 'Woe to them that desire the Day of the Lord'. Gabriel still yearned to see the new world; wherein dwelt righteousness with no possibility of being corrupted. The wonder of such pondering almost bought tears to his eyes; even though angels can't technically cry. Gabe giggled to himself.

Gabriel sucked in an awestruck breath as his eyes wandered around the vast space that seemed endlessly magnificent and rich with purest light. From the center of such light came a form toward him.

"Good day Your Majesty." Gabriel bowed.

"Good day faithful servant of the highest angelic order." Jesus smiled. "At ease soldier."

Gabriel stood strait as an arrow; always happy to hear those words, as he was always happier to see his King. He grinned big.

"I have a mission for you to pick an angel for." Jesus announced in a radiance that subsided itself so that Gabriel could now actually "hear" what he was about to be commanded.

"Yes Sir." Gabriel smiled as he contentedly gazed at the loveliest face in all the Kingdom.

"Ah, one of my most faithful angels." Jesus laughed a bit as He reached out to touch Gabriel's shoulder. Gabriel felt himself glow brighter in the reflection of such greatness as Jesus gave him an affectionate slap on the back. "You've so surpassed any thought I would have supposed to expect of 'ol.... Lucy." Jesus smirked as Gabriel let out a bit of a snicker. The King was being a bit silly this morning.

"Yes, Your Majesty. He seems to have gone that much more... off the rails?" Gabriel suggested as he flashed a peculiar look. "Sign of the times... I suppose?"

Jesus flashed a return 'on the sly' at Gabriel's 'sign of the times' inquiry, shook a finger at Gabe and then let out a chuckle.

"Well, inquisitive minds want to know." Gabriel sheepishly shrugged.

"And thy patients at finding out will be well rewarded." The King sighed as He gave Gabriel a reassuring tussle. "As opposed to...." He rolled His eyes.

"Lucy who's lost it!" Gabriel finished his Lord's sentence.

"Yeah..." Jesus finally nodded and folded His arms knowingly. "Now experimenting in transgenderism of beings not even created with gender." The King raised an eyebrow and cringed.

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