Crotoonians At Work

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At the Port PeterTown Harbour...

Emma: What are you doing?

Sally: We're just shunting trucks.

Salty: Although sometimes I feel like the trucks are shunting us.

Emma and Tracy laughed.

Tracy: Hahahah! That made me laugh.

Emma: I'm sure we can fit in, right?

Salty: Exactly, you'll fit right in, matey!

At the Mount Hawker railway...

Toots and Tootle were shunting some trucks and coaches and preparing a train ready for Travis to take on departure.

Travis: Hurry along there, fellas.

Toots: We've got this.

Tootle: That's right. All are under control.

Travis: Thanks for helping me out. Because without you two, I would've been much too old to shunt all the freight myself.

Toots coupled Travis to the train.

Toots: Speaking of which, how old are you?

Travis: I'm at least 79 Years Old.

Tootle: Wow!

Toots: That is one old train.

Travis: Not as old as Iron Duke or Stephenson's Rocket. Or the first ever steam train built in the 1800s

At the Petesbrough Railway Sidings...

Livi: This sucks. I cannot believe I'm working far off the land, where I cannot even see those lousy trains!

Jason: It's okay, Livi. I'm sure we can work this out together.

Livi: How can we? It's pointless! All we do is shunt these trucks into their proper sidings!

Jason: Oh well, it's not much likely that you complain a lot, but take my advice. No one likes to cause criticism as much as you do.

Now Livi was mad.


Livi: I'll show you who likes causing criticism!!!

She bumped Jason hard.

Jason: Aaah! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings!

Jason rolled uncontrollably towards a dead end. He crashed into the buffers and fell off the rails.

Jason: Fool, look what you've done! I'd expect you to be more careful next time.

Livi: YOU'RE the one belittling me! Now shut up!

At the Gail End Goods Depot...

Thomas was idling at the Huswick Railway Station. He heard a whistle in the distance. Thomas was surprised by that familiar whistle.

Thomas: I think I can know what that was.

Annie: It's Tillie, isn't it?

Clarabel: Looks like those trains are here to help out the railway.

Tillie and Casey Jr arrived.

Tillie: Hello, Thomas!

Thomas: Hey, Tillie! Hey, Casey Jr! It sure is nice to see you two again.

Casey Jr: It is a good pleasure. So, any freight we need to take down the line?

Tillie: What about passengers?

Thomas: Of course. There are plenty of passengers around each station.

Tillie: Well, it looks like we've been heading off to work.

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