D261 Takes the Express

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As soon as the diesel arrived, the controller asked Felix if Livi could take the ballast trucks to Murlsdale from Wet Creek. But things didn't turn out so well.

Controller of the PRJ: Why can't she take them right now?

Felix: Look, I think Livi is having a rough time coming here to this city. And I don't think she finds it comfortable here. She just wants to be back at home.

Controller of the PRJ: I see. Because I was just wondering if Ellie could take the trucks instead.

Ellie: What? Why do I have to take the trucks? I've got to do some shunting with Jasper!

[Livi starts to cry]

Felix: You're making it worse.

Controller of the PRJ: Ellie, come on. There is no need for complaining. You're the next ticket for lost time.

Ellie: Ohhh, brother.

Felix: Nevermind. We'll get you home soon enough.

Livi sniffled and smirked a little. Her plan has worked. The diesel was beside the shed. When he heard the commotion. He wasn't impressed.

Green Diesel: Pffft, what a bunch of ugly steam pots. Not in my book. I'm just happy that I am finally able to pull the express.

Voice: Not so fast, Diesel 261.

Gordon and Farnsworth were blocking his path.

Green Diesel: What the hell are you two doing on my line? Move over!

Gordon: That wouldn't be necessary.

Farnsworth: You will never go through this by pulling the express the way this chap does.

Green Diesel: You two will never stop me and I can go through my solutions any way I want! So move over! Now!

Gordon: Only if you promise not to be fooling around.

Green Diesel: [Honks his horn] Move out of the way! NOW!

Gordon slowly backed up onto the other line to let the diesel pass.

Green Diesel: That's better.

Farnsworth: He's never going to learn.

Gordon: Oh he will. In the meantime.

Later... there were some people on the platform. Playing along. [Old Man Punkins reading a newspaper holding a dog on a leash, a teenage boy and girl roller skating together, a man seeing how much a planted vase is worth a lady is offering, Stickman listening to some tunes while 6th grader, Thompson reads a newspaper. Rusty plays football while Bluey and Mackenzie were sitting on the platform]

Charlie: Eh, excuse me. You have to move over in case of an oncoming train.

Punkins: Huh? Sorry. I'm just reading something here. Leave me alone.

Charlie: [Sighs] Okay, you two. Stop, please. Uh, you need to be careful, in case there's a train coming.

[Rusty aims for the ball. He catches it]

Charlie watched. Nothing was working. Suddenly, he heard a horn blast.

Charlie: Uh oh.

Green Diesel: Express coming through!!!

Then, everything happened at once.

[Bluey and Mackenzie scream as they leapt into the air being pushed into force by D261. The man and the Lady hug together bracing for impact. Rory Hanson jumped into fear, dropped his skateboard on the tracks, and was crushed by the wheels of D261]

Punkins: Huh?

The train clattered past. Stickman spun around uncontrollably. As soon as the train left, everything was a mess.

[Accessories were spilled all over the platform. The dog wore headphones as they landed on her head. Rusty was clinging to the lamppost in fear. Old Man Punkins just sits there while everyone else lands together]

Punkins: W- What just happened?

[The train sets off as Charlie watches. Then he stood there not feeling pleased with himself anymore]

Charlie: Why did I get this stinking job?

"Attention- the train!"

Later that day...

Controller of the PRJ: I'm sorry to say this, boys. But I'm afraid you three aren't helping out as much anymore. Looks like your job will be lost if you don't pick out something for yourselves.

Dustyz: But sir!

Dumby: We've done everything we could!

Controller of the PRJ: Sorry, lads. I don't think you three are reliable enough for the job. You see, complaints had been received going on about Diesel 261 ploughing into the people on the platform.

Dumby: That's because they weren't paying attention.

Dustyz: Well, he could get into a lot of legal trouble for that.

Dumby: Well, I suppose so.

Clanky: What are we going to do now?

Dumby: Don't worry, fellas. I've got just one more ticket to safety until we put all this behind us.

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