Back to School - Hazel [Part 1]

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Takes place after Heroes of Olympus.
▪ Hazel is going to school again, after 80+ years.

Hazel's POV
This feels so weird. To be going to school again.... after 80+ years. Wow.

I wonder what it's going to be like. Obviously the school system has changed drastically since I was last alive. For starters, white kids and "coloured" kids can now recieve the same education. Thank Gods for that.

I really wish Frank was here with me today. I wonder when he'll be back from that quest. Why did Juno not send me as well? What was it that's so important that only Frank could do that? What are the Gods hiding? Is Frank alright?

Oh Gods, I'm overthinking again. Annabeth says it might be my fatal flaw. I think my fatal flaw is my "sketchy" past though... but maybe I'm overthinking that too. Maybe Annabeth is right. Maybe-

"Hey, curlhead! New here?"

I am interrupted from my overthinking. I had forgotten that I no longer go to St. Agnes, where no one wanted to talk to me (aside from Sammy, perhaps). I turn around, to see who interspersed my train of thoughts when I see a familiar face.

"Oh bless my soul, if it isn't dear Hazel Levesque."

Standing before me are three girls. The one in the middle, who spoke, is around sixteen years old. She has East Asian features. Her fashion style seems a bit too much to me. But then again, I missed out on 80 years worth of fashion history. Probably whatever she is wearing was very chic or trendy at some point (I am trying to learn how to converse like a normal teenager from this century. Piper has been a great help. I tried to convince Nico to also learn the "slangs" but he just shadow travels away everytime I bring up the subject.)

"Um do I know you?" I ask.

"No, sweetie. You don't know me. Why would any of the oh-so-great seven even bother about the rest of us?" The girl replies with a tone of malice. Something about her seems very familiar, as if I have seen her before, but I just can't place where. Wait, did she say "great seven"?

"Hey, did you say "great seven"? What do you mean by that?" I ask.

"Ugh! I mean the Argo-II demigods obviously. You and the other wonderful six." The girl rolls her eyes. It is obvious that she is a demigod too. But I just can't remember which camp she belongs to. I have a vague feeling that I've seen her somewhere, I just don't remember where.

"Drew, do you know this dorkface?" The girl on the left asks her.

"Hey, what is demi- whatever you said?" The girl on the right questions.

"No, I don't know her. And what are you talking about, Stephi?"

"Oh right. Sorry, Drew." Stephi replied, looking confused.

I rolled my eyes. What did she think? That she convinced the two girls? I mean, even Orion would have guessed that Drew knew me (and he is blind!) . Seriously, not even Karen Smith from Mean Girls is that dumb. (Annabeth, Piper, Reyna and I watched the movie on our Girls' Night. I don't get why everyone was so horrible to each other. Why can't we just co-exist, without being so mean to each other?)

Anyway, this Drew girl was giving me Regina George vibes. Wait, Drew... mean girl vibes... openly lying about things... convincing others that their deceits are actually the truth... I connect the dots together. And-

"Wait a minute! You're Drew Tanaka! You're Piper's sister! She told me about you."

I am so proud of my epiphany that I beam a bright smile.

"Ew, don't say that **'s name!" Drew exclaims.

I gasp at the fact that she just called her sister a very bad word. The nuns at St. Agnes' would have fainted if they heard Drew right now.

"But isn't she your sister?" I ask, confused. I would never call Nico something so atrocious.

Drew rolls her eyes. "So?" She asks, visibly annoyed. "Anyways, I have places to be. Stay out of my way, freak!"

With that, Drew and her friends walk pass me.

Oh, Hecate! This is going to be a trouble.

A/N: hey guys! What do you think is gonna happen next? Would Hazel and Drew get along? Stay hooked! Because I am going to add another character in part 2! Guess who👀

P.S.- also I am trying to mOdErNiZe Hazel. I just think it'd be cool if the other demigods helped Hazel catch up with the pop culture and all (sort of like Captain America lolol)

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