Chapter One: The window

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AN: Hello everyone, welcome to chapter one! so, without further Adieu.....



Today, April 1st, is going to be my day. I woke up to the massive spot on my face gone which is brilliant because it was on the tip of my nose, making me look like rudolf the red nosed rain deer.

Then as I was downstairs getting my breakfast
, I realised my package had arrived. I've been waiting for it for what feels like forever! It's from a cheap clothing brand which is newly popular called Shien.

And the last good thing is that my parents left €50 as my pocket money on the table. Now I can buy things! Finally!

I wouldn't say I have a shopping addiction, it's just my favourite thing to do, all day every day. Sometimes shopping is the only thing that can make me smile, so I do it very often.

Although I have school today, I'm not going to let it ruin my positive mood. Now, for one of my favourite parts of getting ready, choosing the outfit.

I wouldn't say I have a specific type of style because I like to wear lots of different things. Today I think I'll go with something "fabulous" and something that will show a little bit of skin.

I opt for a short skirt frilly skirt in the style y2k. It's black and simple but also flashy. Then I decide on a crop top, leaving my belly button piercing to the eye. It's a mocha brown like colour and skin tight. It's short sleeves show my tanned skin and the freckles which decorate my arms.

The sun shines brightly outside my bedroom window. My blonde hair flows down the small of my back with some small waves.

I brush through my hair while singing a little song. When I'm in the privacy of my own home I feel happy and confident but when I'm outside, alone, I feel anxious constantly. So I put up a wall. You could say a mask.

Next in my morning routine is to wash my face and brush my teeth. Once my breath is minty fresh and my face is washed, I'm satisfied.

I rub my eyes in tiredness before bringing my eyelash curler to it. My lashes are naturally straight so I like to curl them. Once I've curled both, I add some mascara.

Since my rudolf spot is gone I don't add anything to cover it. I put some concealer under my eyes to hide the bags of my sleepless night and blend.

Now to fix my hair. It's not so long it touches my ass but it goes down my ribs. I normally have it straightened so I plug in my straighteners and flip the on switch.

As I'm straightening my hair I sing a little song. I put my straighteners on my dressing table and walk to my window to open my curtains.

Only when I do, I see something in the house behind mine. Our windows face each other over the pathway below to gates into our gardens. They're quite close. Someone would probably be able to jump from one window to the other. If they had the correct skill of course.

A figure dressed in all black wanders through the room. It's eyes land on me, standing at my window. Now I can truly see who it is.

It's a boy with beautiful brown hair which is covered by his hood, he glares at me while placing his hands into his comfy jogger pockets.

Following the idea that kindness is key, i lift my hand and wave. However he doesn't return my wave. Quite rude. I don't recognise him so I'm guessing he is the new neighbour and he is just grumpy from the stress of moving.

I need to finish getting ready for school so I wave one last time, to which he doesn't reply, then go back to my dressing table.

Hopefully we can be friends. He's probably nice. Or he could be mean. That would be bad. Very bad. Ugh whatever. I don't know him.

I think I'm ready to head to school now. I switch off my straighteners and fluff my hair up to give it some more volume. It doesn't work. Oh well.

I head to my cupboard and look at my bag selection. I have a white backpack, a black backpack and a black handbag. I don't have the patience for a hand bag today so I choose my white backpack. Hopefully I don't get it dirty.

I put in the essentials: my wallet, my books, my hairbrush, some mascara, lipgloss and my headphones. Then i flight it on my back and head out of the house.


The school hallways are buzzing with people. I walk quickly and swiftly to my first lesson. School is not my favourite. In fact, I hate school.

I put my head down in class, i do my work, do as I'm told. Most people don't like this. However, no matter how much I work, how much I try, I can't seem to understand the lessons.

Words go in one ear and out the other. I read can over the same sentence, many times, and still not understand what it says. It's strange. I can't stop it.

When I eventually reach my class, I take a seat at the back and in the corner. I like to be out the way and far away from the annoying teacher.

People fill in, taking their seats, then getting out their books. I get mine out and a pen, ready to write down whatever garbage the teacher spits out.

She blabbers on about maths for what feels like years. Eventually we all get up and leave, the lesson ending.

I have biology next which i actually understand. I'm the top of my class. I just understand biology. It's not like other classes. I love the teacher.

When I walk in I take a seat near the front. Mrs Donald smiles at me, offering me a nice "hello" which I gladly return.

She teaches us about the heart, how it works and about all the veins and arteries. I even put my hand up a few times, which I never do in any other classes.

Then someone knocks at the door. Very loudly. Mrs Donald opens the door and starts having a mini conversation with the teacher. Then she turns back to the class.

She finds me in the sea of students. "Rory, mrs garrison needs to borrow you" she smiles at me. Anxiety recks through me. Did I do something?

I pack up my belongings and walk out the classroom, not looking back at any of the beady eyed people staring at me.

We walk in silence along the empty corridor. Where are we ever going? Then we turn down one corridor I never thought I would be taken down.

To the head teachers office.


What do we think of Rory so far?

We saw a glimpse of Enzo 😏
What are we thinking about him so far?

Is Rory in trouble? What did she do?

Vote and comment if you like, this book is a safe space🩷


Thank you for reading!

Lorenzo MorelliWhere stories live. Discover now