Hard Truth

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AN: Warnings for the following

-mentions of death

-death threats

-mentions of past suicide attempt


Regulus moved through the battle doing his best to stun as many order members and aurors as possible, to prevent the other Death Eaters from hitting them with more damaging spells. It was difficult, mainly because those idiots seemed determined to throw themselves into danger without any sense of self-preservation. Just like his brother.

It was even more difficult to do so without other people on 'his side' of the fight getting suspicious.

Meanwhile, keeping track of his brother and his- and James was probably the hardest task of all. Although the two never separated they managed to appear in random places at random times. One minute they could be one side and the next they would be on the other end of the battlefield. It was tiring, but Regulus couldn't bring himself to stop. He didn't want to risk anything happening to them if he could prevent it.

Distracted by exactly that, Regulus almost got hit by a rather vicious curse that he was just about able to duck away from. Unfortunately, the person standing behind him was not so lucky. Regulus quickly recognised him as Avery.

Then, a man who Regulus recognised as Alastor Moody called for a retreat and one by one most of the Aurors and members of the order retreated. Disapparating into thin air. All but for James and Sirius, who were currently wandless and surrounded by a group of Death Eaters. Absolute imbeciles.

Instead of fighting they just looked at those surrounding them seemingly waiting for them to move first.

Regulus didn't even have to think about it before he reacted almost on instinct, knocking out each of the people surrounding Sirius and James as he moved closer towards them.

Sadly Mulciber decided that this was a great moment to turn around. When he saw Regulus he spat out, "Traitor." Well maybe sadly was a bit of an exaggeration. Regulus didn't particularly care all that much.

With a sigh Regulus pointed his wand at him and said, "It's a shame I can't leave you alive now. Oh wait, I never liked you anyway."

With that he killed the remaining Death Eaters, which was surprisingly easy considering that there were six of them but only one of him. Then again most of them were too stupid to raise their wands or realise what was going on before he'd already hit them with the spell.

Great, he thought, how on earth was he going to explain this to Voldemort. He decided to cross that bridge when he got to it. There was nothing he could do about it now. Besides, if they were going to threaten the people he cared about, they definitely had it coming.

He looked up from the dead bodies to find his brother staring back at him in shock, spluttering like an idiot.

"What?", Regulus asked impatiently as he picked up their wands from the ground and handed them back.

"Reggie?", Sirius started, clearly in some state of shock, "I – but you – who- what?"

Regulus had the urge to reply with No, its not Reggie its actually Merlin in disguise. However, instead of replying immediately, Regulus regarded his brother for a moment in silence before saying, "Are you going to finish any of those sentences or am I just supposed to guess what you want from me?"

Sirius it seemed was still incapable of forming proper sentences as he opened and closed his mouth repeatedly, with absolutely no sound coming out. Regulus rolled his eyes.

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