Introduction & AN

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Do I already have multiple other fics that I'm working on? Yes. Did that stop me from starting another one? 

Clearly not. 

This was only meant to be a oneshot but it sorta spiralled out of control.

Oh well C'est la vie.

Fair Warning, this fic will explore darker themes such as suicide, death, torture and trauma. Of course, put your wellbeing first. If you think you will be triggered by any of the things mentioned, don't read it.

Anyway, this was a little painful to write because I just want them all to be happy and they're not going to be for a while. On the other hand, them suffering is also endlessly entertaining, so it's a bit of a paradox.

They will end up happy though I promise

So basically, I wrote this fic like a year ago and posted it on AO3 and then started some major editing in like December, adding more and fixing the ending. 

James is a bit of an arse in this one at first, but trust the process. He will (probably) be redeemed eventually.

Despite this, I hope you enjoy the fic. Constructive criticism is appreciated, rude comments will be deleted. I mean it, this is supposed to be a safe space for everyone so please behave sensibly. The only people you should be insulting are the characters. 

Also, before I forget, if you find spelling mistakes please do correct me so I can fox them.

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