You say nothing back

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AN: Warnings for suicide attempt, child abuse, torture, blood and slight gore, and an all around shit time


November 1976

Regulus regarded his hopeful boyfriend for a minute trying to make the decision. This wasn't the first time James had asked this of him, but something told Regulus it might be the last.

Realistically, the choice was obvious. His options were to be trapped under his abusive parents' control and join a murder cult or be free and be with the love of his life and his brother. Yet there were other things to be considered.

As much as he hated to admit it, he cared for his parents, loved them even and it would be hard to leave them behind even if he would be able to get his brother back. He would be separated from everything he had ever known, thrown into a new environment. It might be better, but it was still different.

There were risks with leaving. Regulus had no idea how his parents would react. It could be anything from ignoring what happened to hunting them down and dragging them back. Was he ready to subject the people he cared about to his parent's wrath?

As safe as he felt around James, there was no guarantee that the safety would last and yet Regulus couldn't deny him anything. Not when he was looking at him like the whole world depended on his answer. Every logical part of his brain was throwing reasons to stay at him, but that one quiet voice telling him to take the risk just this once.

He was torn, pulled as far as he could between everything he's ever known and everything he's ever wanted. Two sides of the extreme and he had to choose one.

James seemed to understand his inner struggle, the look of recognition passing through his eyes. Instead of saying anything or trying to force Regulus to choose, he simply took his hands in his and waited. That gesture alone represented the difference between the choices to Regulus.

Where his mother would force him, James allowed him to make the decision by himself in his own time, remaining a comforting presence but not stepping in. Maybe that should be the bare minimum, but to Regulus it was more than he ever dreamed of getting.

In that moment, he took the leap, making a decision that would hopefully improve his fate.

"Alright", he whispered into the quiet of the night, looking up at the stars watching over them.

He heard James inhale a sharp breath and tore his gaze away from the skyline to look at his boyfriend. The look of pure relief and excitement as he said, "Really?", made Regulus heart clench, his chest constricting almost painfully.

The fragility of his voice made Regulus vow to himself to protect James at any cost. There was nothing in this world that should destroy such innocent hope and Regulus was ready to kill anyone who tried.

"Yes James, I'll go home with you this summer.", a grin taking over his face as he watched his boyfriend's expression shift through various emotions before settling on childlike excitement.

Before Regulus had enough time to process what came next, James practically threw himself at him, taking his face between his hands, peppering his face with kisses for a good few minutes.

Despite his protests, Regulus was giggling the entire time, putting no effort into making James stop. If he was completely honest with himself, he didn't want James to stop.

"Promise?", James asked after a while, holding Regulus as close to hist chest as possible, as if he was trying to physically bond them together. Not that he had to. Regulus would willing follow this boy everywhere.

If we loved again (I swear I'd love you right)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora