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AS WE ALL sat down on the couch. Mrs. Kim purposely made me and Taehyung sit together on one couch while she and Mr. Kim sat on the other one together.

We were watching watching 'The conjuring' . That's what they chose, not me.

I would prefer rom-com. Still it'd be fun to watch. I mean, i enjoy horror movies but i get scared easily. Well, we'll see, how horror is it?

The movie began.


(A/N: i couldn't write the details)

The movie was still going on. It was very scary. I don't know if it'll appear or I'm getting scared for no reason at all. I closed my eyes tightly as i was extremely frightened. Though, i was still watching it from the middle of my fingers.

I took a glance at Mr. and Mrs. Kim. They were sitting closely, they weren't scared as much as i was.

Then, i looked at Taehyung's gorgeous face.
What the FUCK!?

Well, he was scared or not i didn't knew. He showed no facial expressions. How can someone watch a horror movie without an expression?

I went back to watching the movie between my fingers and hoping that i don't shout or something.

Boom! It appeared.

I literally jumped on Taehyung  but i maintained the distance. I was gonna shout but i stopped myself.
Taehyung looked at me and said "C'mon it's not even that scary, get off me." He rolled his eyes.
"It is scary, it's not my fault that you don't get scared " i said and sat back, laying my head on the couch.

Later, i was watching the movie being very focused and kinda sorta frightened.

I suddenly felt something heavy on my shoulder, i turned my head to the side to see Taehyung sleeping on my shoulder.

Wtf! What does he think of himself? How can he sleep on my shoulder?

Though, i didn't wanted him to sleep on my shoulder but i let him.

Mr. and Mrs. Kim were half asleep. All the kims gets sleepy while watching horror movie. Lmfao.

I thought what should I do?

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