End of Beginning

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Friday night, when Eddie knocked on the door and I opened it, I froze, my eyes wide in surprise. I almost didn't recognize him. His hair was combed back neatly, tied into a loose ponytail at the base of his neck, his bangs swept to one side out of his eyes. He was wearing black slacks and a black button-down shirt, tucked neatly into the pants. And instead of his usual white high tops, he had on a pair of black boots.

I just stared at him, at a loss for words. He looked so beautiful; I just didn't know what to say. I brought my eyes up to his and he gave me a look, silently asking for my approval. I stepped back, pulling the door wider and he came in. I put a hand on one of his hips then caught his chin with my other hand.

"You're beautiful, Eddie Munson." Then I kissed him, soft and slow. "You didn't have to do this. Jeans and your Hellfire shirt would have been okay."

"I've got a Metallica shirt under this one," he whispered. "Kind of like a security blanket. For confidence."

"That's my Eddie." I kissed him again. That was when I noticed he had one arm behind his back. "What are you hiding there?"

"Flowers." He brought a small bouquet of flowers from behind his back. "For your mom."

"You just won her over," I laughed. "She's a sucker for flowers." I reached down and took his free hand in mine. "Are you ready?"

"Are you?" There was genuine concern in his eyes and his tone. "Are you really ready? I can leave and we can do this some other time if you're not. Just say the word, and I'll walk away."

"I'm ready." I dropped another light kiss on his lips, took a deep breath, then exhaled. "You're not going anywhere. Come on." I led Eddie to the dining room where my mom and dad were waiting. Eddie gripped my hand tighter when I cleared my throat. My parents both turned to face us. My dad's face never faltered, just kept that calm, friendly look. My mom's smile got even bigger. I felt a wave of relief wash over me. If they were shocked or upset that I had just walked in holding hands with another guy, neither of them showed any sign of it. "Mom, dad, this is Eddie. Eddie, my parents, Paul and Linda Harrington."

"It's nice to finally meet you," Eddie said as he let go of my hand and stepped forward. He extended the flowers to my mother. "These are for you, Mrs. Harrington."

"They're beautiful, Eddie," my mom said and leaned in to kiss his cheek. He blushed and it was the sweetest, cutest thing I'd ever seen. "Thank you."

Eddie then turned to my father and extended his hand. My dad took it and shook it warmly. "Mr. Harrington, it's a pleasure."

"Likewise, son," he replied.

The timer I had set in the kitchen went off. "I'll be right back."

I dipped my head and kissed Eddie softly then left the room. I felt a little guilty leaving him alone with my parents, but I knew he could handle himself. Sure, he could be shy and vulnerable at times, but I had also seen him be the most confident person in the room when he needed to be. He would be okay. I took the rolls out of the oven and put them in a basket then covered them to keep them warm. I had taken the pot roast out just before Eddie arrived, and after taking a quick look around the kitchen, everything appeared to be ready.

My mom came into the kitchen and put her flowers into a vase and sat them in the window above the sink. "He seems like a lovely boy, Steve."

"He is," I answered.

"Can I help you?" I handed her the basket of rolls.

"Would you take these?" She nodded and I picked up the roast and potatoes. "Thank you for understanding."

Destiny Knocking (Steddie)Where stories live. Discover now