Chapter 1 - My New Home

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Emma's POV

I don't understand why was i ever excited to grow up, this shit is soul sucking. And how am I supposed to take care of myself, that's like a three person job. And who told me to be this hyper independent and leave the comfort of my amazing home, to move into an apartment & live on my own while working my ass off at a job that pays just enough for me to not strave or be homeless.

God! i should never make my own decisions.

My ringing phone interrupts my ranting out loud session. "Hey Maa (Mom in hindi)" I say putting up my best cheerful voice.

"Em, if you are done screaming like a mad woman in your empty apartment just come home for Dinner, you can stay over tonight" she said with a sigh.

"I can't, i have to unpack everything and before you worry, I'll order something and face time with you once i am done."

You anyways do what you want, just call me." And she hung up on me.

My mother, Naina Jones a true Indian at heart couldn't digest the fact that i wanted to live on my own.

My father, Andrew Jones is her perfect match, they balance each other out and he acts as a peacemaker because between i and my mom, I'm not sure who's crazier.

My father is a chef and owns a small dinner called "Little Em" and yes that's his nickname for me. He's 5'10, white with blond hair.

My mom on the other hand is the sassiest brown housewife on the block. She's loud, unreasonably kind, loving and a little cra- cra. I look a lot like her.

I'm on the lighter brow side of the spectrum but i got my dark brown eyes and my brown hair from her. Thanks to my dad, i could reach 5'7 as my mom is 5'3 with heels.

I love them a lot and they might be overbearing at time but i know they love me and also respectful of my decisions so here i am just an hour drive away from home and my parents, setting up my home.

Her call became my reason to procrastinate and i don't think i am unpacking the rest of my shit today.

I ordered myself a chicken burger, fries and a strawberry milkshake, my comfort food.

Once it arrived, i finally sat down and scrolled all the texts i got throughout the day, i realised my friends are going to kill me. I haven't responded to a single text or call as my phone was on silent and the only reason i picked my mom's call was because i saw the screen lit up.

God i am so tired to respond but if i don't, they'll be walking through the door soon.

I have great friends and the only reason they are not here is because i chose to move on a Thursday and no-one could take the day off. Also there was no reason to as i hired movers and packers, all there was to do was to unpack.

I have my girls Luna, Stella and Jen. These bitches are the reason why i still have my sanity or whatever little is left of it.

Luna McKay is the resident bad bitch, your "I'm sexy and i know it". A friend who wouldn't hesitate to throw some punches in your defence.

Stella Adams is the calmest of us all, she's the golden child. Smart, pretty, kind, soft spoken. Our voice of reason.

Jen Williams is my soul sister, my number one supporter and just has the same luck when it comes to love - shittiest of em all.

Then comes my guy bestfriend and no we never dated and never will.

Luke Clark, this guy has been through hell and back with me. From hating my face to holding me while i cried my eyes out, we came a long way.

These people save me from myself and i don't think i need more friends.

They don't live far away, Luke's lives in the next building. Stella and Jen are roomates and live a block away. Luna stays with Matty Woods, her boyfriend a little further away but still in the same area.

We are all the same age, well most of us are 22 except Matty and Luna who are 24 and 23 respectively.

Responding to all those angry texts has just drained me but here comes the group face time.

"Bitch, did you die?" Luna screamed, Stella and Jen were just laughing, letting me know that there's more from where this came. I simply eye rolled.

"No babe and hello to you too." God i just want to sleep

Before Luna could scream again Matty pulled the phone away "Bro just respond next time, we were all worried and the musketeers were just coming to check on you" i laughed on the nickname. Matty calls us the musketeers and i know we are four not three but we loved it and it stayed.

"Guys i am sorry and it'll not happen again -"

"It most definitely will" Jen interrupted, i just stared at her and then spoke again "as i was saying before i was very rudely interrupted, it will not happen but I'm very tired and i have to sleep so goodnight and i love you all."

I could hear multiple goodnights and i cut the call.

I dropped a quick text to my group chat with mom dad and told Luke as i was about to pass out.

This was one very long day at my new home.


Author's Note -

This was a long ass chapter and so will be the next one as i have to introduce the characters.

Hope you like the story...

The next one is from Joseph's POV.

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