food: round two

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Nina and Inej had snuck away to his room, giggling like little girls. Matthias smiled, despite the fact he really wanted to have unpacked his stuff and settle into the room. He could wait. Nina was the better gossip, anyways. He knew his place in that field: far, far below his fiance.

The Fjerdan stretched, his limbs somewhat sore from being cramped into a minivan. Perhaps he'd explore the hotel while everyone else got situated, then come back and situate himself. Yes, that seemed like a good plan. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted the carts he should also return back to the lobby. That solidified his plans.

Well, now he had to recruit fellow restless crows because it would be awfully lonely just walking around the hotel by himself. Plus, it'd probably look odd for some tall, blond, white man to be prowling the resort halls. Or, less odd and more suspicious. Matthias didn't want to cause a ruckus, so he began looking around for either Wylan or Jesper. He'd never dare to ask Kaz to take a walk with him. Not unless he wanted to get hit with a cane.

It occurred to Matthias that he could also weasel some gossip out of either the lovebirds to fulfill his new fangirl rage. Something about getting engaged with Nina had gotten the former druskelle giddy for witnessing blooming love. In fact, he had plans later for something rather romantic. He smiled softly to himself at the idea he'd concocted in his mind. It was undeniably amazing, and the man took shameless pride in it.

There was Jesper right there, taking slow sips from a glass of water. Matthias slid over to the counter, noting how the Zemeni's foot tapped lightly against the tile. Aha. A restless crow to take with him to the lobby. 

"I'm going to take the carts back down to the lobby. Are you going to come with?" Matthias offered, though, with his look up and down of the tall boy, it was clear he had no question that Jesper would jump at the opportunity. 

"Hm?" Jesper hummed, lowering the glass from his lips and gulping down some water. "Ooh, sure, lemme go tell Wy so he doesn't think I've fallen out a window or something," he said, predictably, dashing for his room to peek his head in. 

After a moment of chattering, the sharpshooter bounded back over to Matthias, hooking a thumb in one of his belt loops. Matthias wondered if it was a ghost of his habit of touching his revolvers. It probably was. If so, it was a good thing Kaz hid them away somewhere. The last thing the crows needed was to get arrested on vacation. That was only supposed to happen in Ketterdam, or wherever those crows ended up for a job. 

While Kaz may be a sleazy guy, any of the crew could trust him to hold the dangerous objects and keep them safe. Like the parem from Nina, and now Jesper's beloved firearms. Matthias didn't have any special objects, but he supposed he wouldn't mind letting Kaz babysit any one of his druskelle wolves from his past. The head crow seemed like a dog person, anyways, so there wasn't much reason to worry. 

Matthias wondered if Wylan had any precious objects. His flute? He knew Inej's: her knives. He wouldn't doubt that all of the Crows shared his sentiment of trust toward Kaz, no matter how reserved it was. 

The Fjerdan jerked his head to the door. "Let's get going," he said, grabbing the cart to pull behind him. Jesper matched his stride, though Matthias could tell the tall boy was slowing down a bit. Even though the soldier was tall, Jesper would always reign supreme as the tallest, what with his lanky legs.

At least the hallway was empty. For a moment, it was silent save for the clatter and squeak of the cart's wheels, and Matthias didn't mind that. 

"Soooo..." came the sharpshooter's voice, and Matthias's gaze flicked over to him somewhat nervously. He knew that tone. 

"Whatever it is, I'm saying no before-"

"How 'boat we play go-cart down these boring ass halls?" 

Matthias sighed. "No."

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