chapter three

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amelias pov:

i was talking with miranda and shuji when miranda said "i have to piss come with" "okay" i reply. we walk to the bathroom. we enter the bathroom and talk about our plans for tonight. we're all going to miranda's and she's going to invite the fields brothers we were talking about who's the hottest when we hear whispering.

"wait who is that?" i ask "do you have a lighter" miranda asks. "i left it in my desk" the girl answers "totally chill no worry's" miranda replies. "found it" charney says "oh, give me" stevie says excitedly. mirandas clumsy ass drops it "shit can you guys get that." i ask them. no answer. the bathroom door opens we all run out forgetting all about smoking.

miranda offered to take us home since we are going to her house anyways. i decline and go home so i can call shuji and see if he wants to come. "this is shuji speaking" "SHUJI" "OMG WHAT" "you have to come to miranda's tonight or i will literally die" "shit i cant lia" "fuck u shuji" "alright bye slut" he says mocking miranda "bye biatch". i call miranda and see if her totally hot brother can pick me up later. 

i walk into miranda basement at around 8:20. the boys are supposed to come around 9. i'm not sure who all is coming but i know it's most of the field brothers. we have just talked and chilled now it's around 8:40 and we hear a ton of noise outside. "who is that?" miranda calls out as she opens the garage it's shujis little sister "maya?" i call out. "anna, she's is the bush" "uhm yo what are you doing" "we were uhm just about to smoke" "cool us too let's smoke". i ask "do you want to smoke?" they nod

they come in and just stand there as me miranda, stevie and charney smoke. stevie asks "when are the boys coming" " relax biatch" "like the fields or?" "theres a few more boys coming too some are in your grade i think" charnel says. "i wish we had herb" i say. "who's got the beer?" charney asks. stevie offers me one but then i decline. anna comes back and chugs a beer. miranda brings out computer cleaner i only saw that in thirteen and it didn't go well for them. maya tries it and passes out for like 5 seconds. no one else tries it as they get into an argument.

"guys it nine o clock where are the boys?" charney asks. "wait it's nine can i use your phone?" miranda tells her it's in her brothers room. the boys climb through the window and unexpectedly so does brandt so now there's a perfect amount. "my moms not home so.." "cool"one of the brothers replies.

brandt comes over and snatches my hand and leads me into a corner. "god brandt"i say rubbing my wrist. i look at him he looks like he hasn't slept in days. "i'm sorry for what maya said that was messed up". "yeah" he says looking straight into my eyes. i lean in towards him and kiss him surprisingly he kisses me back. it's a soft and gentle kiss but soon i climb into his lap and he runs his hands up and down my back. stevie runs up to us and says that miranda's mom is home. i quickly shuffle up and fix my shirt before he leaves looking back at me with a winks

"fuck" i whispered

"hi mrs.harris i think I'm going to head home" the girls all say bye as i hug mirandas mother. that night i can't sleep. i keep replaying the kiss in my head. it probably didn't mean as much to him as it did to me. yet i can't help but blush every time i remember his hand placement. i get up and go downstairs to see my parents arguing in their room. "i can't believe you" "why because i did something on my own for once?".

i quickly grab water and quietly walk back upstairs. i wish there was someone i could talk to about this but i know my only friends shuji and likely miranda wouldn't know how I'm feeling. i think about what would happen if my parents got divorced. i would go with my father 100%. i love my mother but she's never looked at me with love and graciousness in her eyes like my father. every lacrosse, soccer and field hockey game i wouldn't even have to question wether my dad was there or not, he always was.

layla speaks!!
told y'all some drama happened!! they kissed low key don't know who if i want endgame to be brandt 😜. lmk if anything doesn't make sense or isn't correct or is spelled wrong. btw new characters coming next chapter!!!!

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