6. The First Unravelling of Memento Mori

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The End

Those words are the only ones slightly capable of describing the scene that unfolded

Dead bodies impaled on top of gray rock, their blood having already dried a long time ago

The corpses littered the place; They were everywhere one could see

On top of them, however, were other, different creatures

Their many appendages and limbs were visible under the dark gray cloaks that hid their small statures

Some other creatures were flying in the sky, their red carapace-like skin visible to all, possessing long claws that could rip through a human in seconds and encased in a spherical red membrane-like barrier

One could hear the thumping of the steps of the even bigger creatures far in the distance, their large swords visibly clipping through a few corpses

All the creatures were walking in one direction

In said direction, the dreadful sight of corpses started to lessen, little by little

In the corpses' place were the smell of burnt flesh and the sight of charred moonrock

In the center of this charred field, a single figure could be seen

Hands, legs, body, pierced through and immobilized by many long crimson spears; Blood oozing out from all the wounds

Her armor was beyond broken, shattered way beyond repair

Her hair was disheveled, it's once snow-white radiance was now turned gray, covered with ash

There was no light in her sapphire blue eyes. She was conscious, yet at the same time, not

One of the giant creatures, Code IV : The Emperor, as it was called, a name given by people who had long passed, approached her, raising it's massive sword above it's head

But before it could swing it down, something...bizarre happened

A small incorporeal clock appeared right in front of the girl's forehead, radiating a dim yet mindrending sapphire blue light


As the clock's hands moved once, everything disappeared, save for the girl


As the clock's hands moved twice, the girl disappeared




Kiana's eyes shot wide open, as a sense of sluggishness overtook her body

What just...

A splitting pain run through her skull

She realized

She had forgotten

And she now remembers

The shock caused by death is enough to eradicate any normal person's mind

And Kiana had experienced 'death'

But Kiana isn't just 'any normal person'

Although, for the short time she had spent alive again, she didn't realize that she couldn't remember what had happened when she died

Kiana pulled herself free from Siegfried's embrace, as she could hear his loud snores piercing her ears

Standing up, she looked at the Moon

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