9. Ghosts of the Past

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The endless hallways of the Hyperion

Sirin was very well acquainted with them, for she had operated the ship herself for a long time

The circumstances surrounding Sirin's life were less than stellar

Most of the time, she had to hide herself from the world

Sometimes, that was the only way to survive

Running into outer space with stolen aircraft, that is

Searching for a person on the Earth is one thing

Searching for a person in the Solar System is another

Obviously, the latter would be harder than the former

After parting with Λ, Sirin made her way outside of the ship

The first thing to greet her was Himeko, who seemed to have been waiting for her

Sirin once again did not look at her, instead continuing forwards

"Hmm, how cold..."

Himeko replied as such to Sirin's distant behavior, following behind her

Sirin knew this place

She knew it well

St. Freya Academy

The large fountain in the middle of the courtyard was the first thing that stood out in her vision

Many students of the academy were seen hanging out

It would seem that they conveniently reached the academy when the students were at break

Some of them waved to Himeko, but most of them had their stares locked at her

Sirin's eyes were rapidly switching between an amethystine violet and sapphirine blue

They betrayed her chaotic mental turmoil

But no one understood that

No one but Sirin

She entered the main building of the academy, walking up a few stairs and down a few hallways; Meanwhile receiving non-stop stares from pretty much every student there

Then, she stumbled upon a door

A door that she had been dragged through many times in her past

'Principal's office'

Sirin unhesitantly opened the door, entering the room, with Himeko following suit

A familiar sight

A large desk with a chair behind it

She almost couldn't see anyone in the room

But she already knew

For She could see a tuff of white hair behind the desk

"Principal? I'm afraid I cannot find you?"

Himeko sarcastically said

And to her snarky remark, there was a response


As she shouted, Theresa poked her head from behind the desk

And soon, her eyes fell on Sirin


As she spoke once more, Sirin interrupted her words

"Later, and preferably somewhere with more privacy"

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