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A/N: Shhh... Zephyr and Nuffink are twins.

He's never been happier to return to the Hidden World... The great towering buildings, the constant rush of air traffic, the ever warm temperature... Everything. In this moment Hiccup swears to himself there is nothing he hasn't missed about the urban planet. However there are some things he has missed far more than others. The closer the shuttle brings them to the Senate, the quicker his heart beats, pleading to be reunited with her once more before her memory scars him painfully. It's been far, far too long since his eyes have taken in the sight of her, since his arms have held her close... Just knowing he is minutes away from reuniting with her makes him wish to leap out of the transport and run until he finds her.

It's more challenging than he lets on to sit still beside Fishlegs and pretend his body isn't damn near trembling in excitement. He's been gone a year... Twelve long months defending the Outer Rim Sieges, being kept away from her... Maybe he shouldn't, but Hiccup thanks the Force for the Chancellor's abduction. If it weren't for that, Gods only know when the Council would bring him back here again. The shuttle moves quickly, but not nearly quickly enough for his satisfaction, and it feels like gruelling hours later, not minutes, that he is watching the shuttle take off again with Fishlegs inside, leaving him to deal with the gossip-mongering HoloNews journalists, and narrow-eyed Senators alone.

As usual the docking bay outside the Senate building is crowded, but today it feels oppressive, he wants nothing more than to push everyone out of the way until he finds her. She could be anywhere, he can sense her presence close by and barely suppresses his grin. A year apart from his beloved wife surely must have earned him at least some right to relinquish this firm control he's struggling to maintain... Hiccup quickly scans the small sea of Senators surrounding the Chancellor in the hopes that she's there, waiting for him, but there is no sign of her. He is in no mood for a game of chases right now, there are other, much more pleasurable games he'd much rather be playing.

It has been a year after all.

Unfortunately, before he can begin his hunt, Bail Organa gets to him and Hiccup attempts to smile at the Senator. Behind them he hears R2 and Threepio chatting away and finds himself beginning to envy the droids... Their reunion is quickly begun and public, there's nothing he'd rather do than take her into his arms where everybody can see them and let people think what they will. For now, they are kept in the shadows, wishing desperately for the light.

They walk at a leisurely pace, and he thanks Organa for his complements... Hiccup can see why Astrid respects this man so greatly, they're very likeminded, however, there is something about the Senator that has always kept him on edge in the man's presence. Strange now that he feels it less than before, the tenseness he's come to expect whenever Organa is nearby is all but non-existent. Perhaps he's just been gone too long, and a little time shall return the feelings. Stepping a little further into the spacious Senate building, he's half-heartedly speaking of the hunt for Grievous when by chance; he happens to glance over the shoulder of the man beside him and very nearly freezes.

There she is...

After so long of merely dreaming of her night after night, the sight of her – the true sight of her standing mere steps away from him is enough to send his heart leaping up, into his throat. He has to be with her, now, damn the Senator and their talk. As politely as he can, Hiccup excuses himself and waits the too long, agonising seconds until the party is far enough away so they will not see what happens by the great pillars to the side. When the distance between them is enough, he can stand it no longer and rushes toward her, running in his desperation to touch her again. They collide quickly, arms closing around one another tightly and at once he spins her, unable to keep still in his jubilation.

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