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"This has been wonderful... I love our children with all my heart, but sometimes it's nice to get away. To leave the parents behind and just be us again for a little while." Astrid muses, leaning against Hiccup's body, head coming to rest against his strong shoulder. When he'd suggested taking her out for the night, she'd been... Reluctant. There is so much work to be done, with the election of the new Chieftess, and running around after Zephyr and Nuffink; she hardly has time to breathe, much less allow her husband to whisk her away, even for just a night out.

Eventually, they compromised on simply going out for a meal.

Now it is over, and they wait for the turbo lift, she wishes she'd agreed to his original suggestion of a night away in one of the nicer hotels The Hidden World has to offer... Well, no matter. They don't need a hotel to share in some more grown-up fun. They're very fortunate, despite the whirlwind that is their lives these days, that aspect of their relationship has never suffered. After the birth of the twins, Heather warned that it may take some time for intimacy to return to them. However, once her healing time passed, it was as if nothing had changed. As the children grow, perhaps it has become a little more difficult to find times for such things before bedtime, but Astrid shall not complain about this. From her sister's stories, things could be very much worse.

"See? And you didn't want to come tonight." The elevator doors open and as they step inside, Hiccup's arm slithers around her waist, holding her close.

"Wanting to come was not an issue. But I am glad we did..." Tipping her head back as she smiles at him, Astrid reaches one hand up to trace the dark leather of his tabard. At once he leans down, capturing her lips with his own. It does not remain an innocent kiss for longer than a moment; there is an unspoken promise between them, whispering of what awaits them in their bedroom tonight. As soon as they relieve Valkyra of her duties and get the children into bed, she plans to thank him thoroughly for this evening. One hand slips up, into his hair, tearing a quiet groan from his lips which she swallows as he pulls her flush against him.

She forgets all about the small security camera in the corner for a moment and lets the fingers of her free hand dance along his waistband earning her lips a gentle bite. Perhaps Kyra has already put the twins to bed and has unwittingly given them a chance to completely shrug off the role as parents for the night. After they ensure she is given some credits for her efforts of course. It is only when Hiccup presses her against the wall that she breaks their kiss, completely breathless, and attempts to keep some level of control until they are at least out of the lift. "Babe, wait, the camera..."

"What about it?" Comes his husky murmur against her throat as he begins kissing a trail along her skin. If he had it his way, Astrid knows he'd take her against the wall right now, and she cannot say she would deny him if it weren't for the camera recording their every move. They don't need the security team to see that.

"I don't particularly wish for footage containing you ravishing me to exist. With our luck, it would end up all over the HoloNet for whoever wants to see such things to enjoy." Hiccup glances up, toward the camera for a moment, and sensing exactly what he wishes to do, Astrid merely laughs. Such an impatient man. "Don't destroy it. How else will our security team oversee my safety and the safety of our children?" Their connection is open, stronger than ever after years of honing it; she can feel his disappointment and frustration. Honestly, he acts as if she has denied him outright. He needs to only wait a little longer...

"Alright, alright... But those two are going straight to bed tonight." Astrid can't resist lifting a hand to cover her mouth as she giggles. He can act the part of the tough father all he likes, but one pout from Nuff and a flutter of Zeph's eyelashes and they'll be up all night.

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