Part 4 (Final)

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Chase began to float as his cracked Sapphire began to glow with rainbow power, catching the attention of the other Rangers and Villanos.

Villanos: What's that...?

Then Chase began to burst with power that blinded everyone else.

Other Rangers and Villanos: GAH!!!

Then Chase's Sapphire was replaced by the Opal the Crystal Queen gave him. The new Opal began to change Chase's Ranger suit with new Opal armor. After his suit changed and a new Opal helmet formed, two Opal star swords appeared in Chase hands. He was now, the Crystal King.

Villanos: What are you supposed to be?

Chase: I... am... the Crystal King!

Other Rangers: Crystal King!?!

Then Chase pointed one of his opal Blades at Villanos.

Chase: You want to rid the Universe of emotions, Villanos? Well, you'll have to go through me!

Villanos: Alright! If that's what you want...

Then Chase began to glow with Opal energy.

Chase: Everyone, attack!

Skye: Okay!

Marshall: Right!

Everest: Oh yeah!

Rubble: Payback time!

Sweetie: Let's do it!

Then the Rangers began fighting Villanos. With Chase's new powers, they managed to overwhelm him. Then Chase and Villanos began fighting each other. The two kept fighting until Chase began to overpower Villanos, striking him with his two Opal Blades.

Villanos: GAH!!! Why you...!!!

Then the two began moving at light speed, clashing Blade with each other.

Villanos: You think you can match my speed!?!

Chase: Yes, I can! With my new powers, I'm more than a match for you!

Villanos: Wanna bet!?!

Then Chase and Villanos began flying in the air, moving at light speed, clashing Blades with each other. The other Rangers watched in amazement by Chase's new powers.

Other Rangers: Woah!

Skye: Chase... you're amazing...

Then Chase began overwhelming Villanos by attacking him with his Blades, not allowing him to dodge or block any of his attacks.

Villanos: How!?! How are you so this powerful!?!

Chase: It's the power of the Crystal Queen, Villanos! The power of crystals and emotions fused into one!

Marshall and Everest: Wow...

Rubble and Sweetie: Amazing...

Then Chase's Opal Blades enlarged, becoming twice the size.

Chase: Take this!

Then Chase slashed Villanos with his two large Blades so hard that he crashed down back to the ground hard, causing an explosion of light to emit from the crater which shocked the Rangers. The explosion shook the ground, causing the other Rangers to lose balance a little.

Other Rangers: "Gasp!"

The explosion was so bright and powerful that the Crystal Gems and the Radioactive Stones.

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