Bound & Gagged

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Luke unlocked the apartment door and they all went inside. No one said it, but they were all secretly hoping that Eddie would be there, somehow, some way. But a quick look around told them that he was not. Ace pulled the first sheet off the refrigerator notepad and held it up. 'For emergencies only. A hard on is NOT an emergency.' Then there was a phone number. They all wanted to laugh at the note, but they were too worried.

"I, for one, do not want to make this call," Ace said.

"I'll do it." Luke took the number, went to the phone, and dialed. After several rings it was finally answered and Luke asked for Steve. He could hear lots of excited voices laughing and having a good time in the background while he waited. Finally, Steve came on the line.

"Eddie, what's wrong, babe?"

"Steve, it's Luke." There was silence on the other end of the line as Steve's throat went dry. "We can't find Eddie."

"What do you mean, you can't find him," Steve asked, his voice anxious. "Where are you?" Luke explained to Steve what was going on, minus their speculations about Alex because they had no proof and there was no need to plant that thought in Steve's head unnecessarily. "I'll be there in half an hour."

Brian found beer in the refrigerator and passed them out as they waited. Fifteen minutes later, the phone rang. Luke reached for it, but Ace stopped him. They shouldn't answer their phone. Luke glanced at the Caller ID box. It just said 'unknown number' and that could be anybody. And if it were Steve or Eddie, they'd leave a message and Luke could pick up then. But when the machine picked up, they all froze.

"Steve, he's safe." It was Alex. They all knew it though he didn't say his name. "I'm taking real good care of him. I just wanted you to know who he's with. You took away the only thing in my life that meant anything to me. Now I'm returning the favor."

No one spoke. They didn't know what to say. There was nothing to say. They just had to wait for Steve. Luke growled deep in his throat, a terrifyingly deep sound that they had all heard once or twice before and it usually ended with someone getting the shit beat out of them. Luke was fiercely protective of them all, but most especially Eddie. None of them would put it past him to kill someone to keep Eddie safe.

When Steve came through the door ten minutes later, his eyes were wide and panicked and his heart was racing. Luke pointed to the answering machine and Steve saw the message light blinking so he went over and reached for it. Before he pushed the button, he looked up at each of them. He could see how worried they all were, especially Luke, and that scared him even more. Steve pushed the button and the message played back. His face crumpled as he listened, pained agony distorting his features.

"Does anyone know where Alex lives?" Steve's voice was calm, but the look in his eyes was anything but.

"No," Luke answered. "But I have an idea. Unfortunately, it'll have to wait until morning."

"What's your idea," Steve asked anxiously.

"What's the name of his band again?"

"Soul Armageddon," Brian answered.

"Right," Luke said as he went over to Eddie's stereo and quickly searched for Corroded Coffin's CD. He held it up and pointed to the back cover. "Most indie bands put their management contact on the CD in case people want to get in touch with them to book them or something." The guys in the band nodded. Their management was listed on the back of their CD, address and phone number both. That's how they'd been contacted to play Metal Fest in Texas. "Tomorrow morning, I'll go to a record store and get the information off the back of their album."

"What good is that going to do," Steve snapped, then held up his hands defensively when Luke glared at him. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize," Luke said softly. "I get it. I'll call their management, tell them I work for you guys and that you're interested in having Alex contribute some guest vocals. See if I can get some information on getting in touch with him."

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