Continental final

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Grace's pov

"Grace" leah yelled from my bathroom

"What" I said playing dumb

"Dont act stupid. Look at my neck, everyone is gonna see this. Not even a gallon of foundation could cover this up" she said which made me burst out laughing

"At least everyone knows your with someone now. So maybe everytime i go on tiktok i won't see an edit of you." I said as I crawled out of bed

"Oh your one to talk im sick of seeing the Chelsea fan pages for you. Oh and don't even get me started on your abs that everyone bangs on about 24 bloody 7" she yelled

"Aaww is someone jealous that my abs are better than hers" I laughed

"Yours are more defined but mine are better" she answered back whilst getting into her car

"Okay amor whatever you say" I said as I kissed her goodbye before entering my car to leave for the stadium. We can't go together the fans would go crazy. I'm excited it's my chance to win a trophy with Chelsea and might be my last. I can't wait to return home to Spain, I hate England weather it just changes all the time. I swear the weather here has bipolar or something. I pulled into the stadium and met up with some of the staff as we planned the training for the individual players. Leah travelled to Arsenal then they brought them all here together. I miss her already and I haven't even been away from her for an hour. Both teams want to win today but Arsenal more so, they historically are better but recently Chelsea have been better. This trophy will bring confidence to Arsenal if they win and define us as the best if we win. I want Leah to win as I know she deserves this but I don't want her to win this bet, I haven't had sex in 2 months I need this night.

We opened the game up with a goal but Arsenal came back instantly with pressure and left us with a scoreline of 3-1 at half time. There is no way they will concede a goal now, they are playing with confidence and will defend like their lives depends on it. The game ended and everyone shook hands to pay their respects. As I was walking to the changing rooms to collect my things I was pulled into a dark room.
"Sshh" a voice said whilst covering my mouth

"Le?" I questioned

"Yes just be quiet" she whispered

"Okay i will but get your hand of my mouth, you stink of alcohol." I laughed
"Why are we in here?" I questioned

"Im getting my reward" she said as she began to kiss my neck and bite, which made me moan

"Here?" I questioned

"God no. I'm just warming you up for tonight. Im telling you now what's happening tonight" she said

"What's happening tonight?" I said, nervously waiting to find out what she was going to do as she won the bet

"Well firstly im gonna celebrate with the girls for a bit. Then I'm gonna come to your house, and your gonna be there in your sports bra and my arsenal shorts sitting on the couch. I'll come home and do as i please" she whispered in my ear

"Fuck that was hot" I laughed

"Mhmm okay i need to go now i have a trophy to take photos with." She said as she walked to the door

"I did tell you I'm a top right" I said which made her laugh

"Oh amor your not fooling anyone. You're a bottom there's no shame Grace" she laughed as she walked out the room she chucked me in.

"God that woman has me wrapped around her fingers and she knows it" I mumbled to myself as I exited the room. Driving home I was nervous who wouldn't be. I've always been a top so I've been the one in control. However, with Leah it's different I let her do whatever she wants, I like loosing control around her.

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