The Disappearance

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The crickets chirped, the bees buzzed and Echo's hair was going in all directions. She lifted off her white blanket and put on her socked legs into her black sneakers.

She stretched her hands looking out of the window. Chillspire was the same as yesterday with its magical aura surrounding its borders keeping all the villagers' vampires all day. Echo remembered her quest 2 years ago as in the mortal or the night monster world they would become humans in the day and vampires in the night.

She also remembered Scott, her friend who betrayed her and her friends for the night monster world. She still felt bad for him today but knew that killing him was the right choice for the whole village.

Tying her curly dark black hair into a braid and tying it into a bun. She put on her velvet silky shirt with black pants for her daily practices. She smiled at the fact that she was the only one who wore something other than black.

Just a few years back, her room was filled with black and white furniture in the mortal world.

Echo made her bed and her ears tingled as the door was suddenly knocked.

"Hello Echo!", said one of the sisters of Anahita. Anahita was the daughter of the main chief, Argus. Echo respected the man Argus and was quite fond of him as he understood her first and led her into the village, Chillspire. But Anahita was the worst of the villagers. 

She like her 2 sisters had long brown hair tied up into braids (All the vampires tie their hair tightly just in case for hunts or practices). Their green eyes always glittered with curiosity. Their freckles were covered all over their tanned skin.

Anahita was always rude toward the newcomers. She would often mock them and Echo too was hurt by her personality when she once came into the village.

Echo knew that her sisters' were not that bad.

"Hello, Nina and Eden", said Echo trying to move her head blocking the sister's peeping eyes into her cottage.

The girls stopped with a frown and then carried on, "Your today's practice is going to be in..."

"Next to the waterfall"



"Next to the falling water!", snickered the sisters and walked away.

"That was a really bad joke", muttered Echo as she took up a large black bag and hung it over her shoulder.

Echo walked between the wonderfully colored cottages. The trees covered the land everywhere and Echo remembered Argus saying that the trees were the ones that protected their land and when the magical trees finish, the aura fades.

The aura is something that keeps all of the villagers happy and content. Being happy means being strong and powerful and this keeps them, vampires and vampiresses, all day.

And it was the last puddle as Echo jumped through it reaching a spot where all the students were lined up.

The floor was made out of pebbles and stones while the normal ones were made out of fresh grass.

"Good Morning!", chirped Echo to Barbara.

Barbara was her best friend since she was in the mortal world. In the mortal world, she was working for a really poor company as an Architect along with a lady named Jess who now is called Barbara. They went together on everything. Echo still remembers the big quest she went on breaking out of her bubble along with Barbara.

"Good morning to you Echo. How was last night? Did you get the awful dream again?", asked Barbara putting down her sword.

Echo remembered the nightmares which had been haunting her for the last few weeks.

The dream started with a skull lying on the ground and with a girl screaming and then it moved to someone looking like Echo laying in a coffin with her hands out of it.

"Well, it did but I really think it's my mom!", said Echo putting down her bag with a sad look. 

"Echo, you do know that she is not alive anymore and you saw it with your own eyes."

"But I never saw it directly!", protested Echo, and suddenly came Argus.

He was wearing a grey-striped gown-like cloth on his skinny body. He was quite strong and his canines were super strong. He was old with a white curly beard and no hair on his head.

Echo looked at him in shock as he was quite younger than before the day. 

The whole students yelled together, "Good Morning Sir"

"Good morning class", said Argus as posed himself in the defense position with his legs standing on his shoulder length and hands clutched back to the torso.

The class copied him looking straight, and so did Echo.

She and Barbara were now standing one meter away from each like how everyone else did.

"Today we are going to learn how to master one of the skills the fairy beings use", started Argus leaving the books out of this lesson.

"A mythical being known for singing enchanting songs for the travelers and later killing them"

Then he changed his face to a serious one, "Not everybody knows that these beings could shapeshift and cast beautiful but dangerous illusions"

Echo knew that these beings were something she knew and was looking around to see all the students whispering. She spoke aloud, "Is it Sirens?". A few of the eyes fell on her but it all stopped when Argus smiled.

"Yes it is", replied Argus looking at her proudly with his blue set of eyes glimmering at her.

But he didn't stop there, "So, listen on all the Vampiresses and Vampires cause I'll be asking questions for later. Stop all your iPhones and better listen to me", commanded Argus coming out of his position and walking between the students.

Echo peeped to see Barbara exiting Google, seeing that she typed something about nightmares.

The feelings flashed through her head and the sound coming outside faded. Argus was saying something but the whole world seemed tiring. Echo placed her hands on her head for support but she didn't find any.

But the word caught her like a kitten would when it saw a ball of yarn.

"Yes Helia, Visions. As a vampire and a protector of the mortal world, we have got all the qualities from the NightMonster world even though some can be used really badly. Differentiating from them means using it for the good."

"Did you say Visions?", said Echo trying to get to the point which seemed more important than her life. Even Barbara paid attention to the conversation now.

Argus seemed confused but wisely continued, "Yes. Visions are a form of truth and by the age of 20 which you all are now, will be getting them in nights or even the day"

"But it's not what we are going to discuss now", said Argus again looking at Echo. He wanted to ask her what was wrong but he kept quiet. His blue eyes slowly faded into the night blue as he kept talking.

"From the sirens, we are going to learn the Advanced vocal cords but not for killing people but for defensiveness"

An hour passed and Echo stopped trying to hear all the beautiful sounds the students made knowing completely that it was not for evil purposes but for practicing.

Lyrics came into their songs but it was too blurred to notice.

The sunset waves it's goodbye to the clouds and to their village, Chillspire.

Just when the tiring class was over, the joy-filled feast beginner.

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