The NightMonster World Portal

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Echo was back in the coffin, she could hear songs her mother sang now. The song lyrics were beautifully expressed in the melody that reached every corner of her ears. It said,

The loner of mine
When will mine know
That she has always been divine
She will soon find herself with answers that she has been dying to know

The voice faded with each word, and the sweet melody ended as her dream shifted somewhere else.

It was the same forest, where once Echo and her friends had defeated the 3 headed Cerberus. The place had changed a lot. The pillars were rusted as if a flood had once attacked the place.

The smell of the Cerberus hadn't left the place yet. There were all kinds of fantastical beings outside each pillar. There was an old man tied towards the pillar along with a dark shadow standing in front of him but he was unclear.

Echo realized that the old man was none other than Argus. He was wrinkled and his blue gown was torn, it looked like an escaped slave but he wasn't escaped. 

Anyone who was kidnapped and tortured by an evil king would be screaming and shouting out but Argus strangely was calmer.

Echo, even though she was dreaming had tears in her eyes. The old leader helped his people and even taught the little kids about dueling and more about the world. The man who never stopped smiling with now tied in chains.

Echo walked towards him, she knew that he couldn't see her. It happened a lot to her, which she quite understood. Even in her before nightmares about her mother rising up and showing her false hope, she tried to talk to her mother or even hug her but it just seemed useless.

She saw fear in Argus's eyes. His blue eyes were like the sea when it was experiencing a storm. Echo had a small gut feeling that maybe, Argus knew about the aura breaking.

Echo stepped closer to Argus and suddenly his eyes lit up. 

"Zuko, let me go", said Argus not losing his calmness.

"Let you go? Seriously, that's what you still thinking", said the man who was blurred.

"Yes, and how much you ever try, I will keep fighting with you", said Argus, strangely, Echo saw him smile.

"I AM NOT LIKE THEM, I despise your extra calmness", yelled the guy who seemed like his name was 'Zuko' walking towards Argus.

"But Zuk-"

"SHUT UP, I know you too well, and that was my fault", said the guy tsking and walking towards the chained Argus knelt down with blood dripping from his knees.

"She would not be proud", lifted Argus's head knowing that there was hope for something.

The man didn't speak anything, he turned his back again as his shadow dropped on Argus.

"The girl would be here any moment from now, Our few men have been taken by Iris Dream and I need you to be more useful", said the man with his voice faltering at his word.

"I'm releasing my men to the portal, I need to be there", stressing his words onto Argus. Echo saw something red hair appearing on the black shadow.

"I will be here", muttered Argus closing his eyes, Echo saw droplets from his eyes.

The man started walking away when Argus said, "Don't you want to see your daughter?"

"I'm done being lost", said Zuko as he melted into the darkness.

Echo wanted to see his face but all she could see was a black blob looking like a man with strong muscles and armor. With her sigh, the dream faded out as her head vibrated.

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