Nearon Moutain Village

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Anahita and Barbara started running towards the spot under a tree that was meters away. They seemed like kids who were playing in a running competition.

Suddenly one of the lying wolves with blood dripping on her body, stuttered "The flower will soon be betrayed, Again but yes, it needs to bud out", with its eye light flickered and faded out.

Echo's heart suddenly went down. It was like it was trapped in a pool but it can't go up to take a breath. Her eyes wandered to her 2 friends running with a giant smile on their faces which she never often saw in quests like these. 

And then her eyes looked at the wolf who was cursed to tell prophecies. 

Echo hated prophecies, something like this happened to her in her old one and it was true.

The fire flickered as the east wind blew towards their tiny camp. There were logs collected that had a fire for the warmth and wild fruits onto the ground.

Anahita was gulping the blue grapes while staring at the fire while Barbara sat close to her sharpening her arrows.

Echo smiled seeing them both being okay with each other. She too looked into the bright orange fire burning and spreading warmth in every breath.

Echo looked up into the sky, there were millions of stars shining but no one could match up with the mighty and elegant moon. 'The flower will soon be betrayed', the words echoed in her head and the wolf's dead face flashed right in front of her eyes.

"What's next?", asked Anahita as one grape fell down onto her tank top. She was sitting with her cargo shorts, which were now rustled with some tears after the wolf fight. Anahita's fingertips were blackish and Echo knew that she had burned her fingers when shooting the fire arrows.

"I got the map of this world", marveled Barbara finally putting her arrows onto the basket which was hanging in her back.

"What? From where?", asked Anahita

"When the wolves were attacking you, I was about to come out when I saw this red vine creeping near my leg!", narrated Barbara as her hand was wiggling showing the vine's movements.

"Suddenly, A map popped out, I was too mesmerized to not take it"

"That's what made you late", said Echo with half disappointment.

Anahita peeked into the map.

"We need to go where that moon ends, That's where the farm is", said Anahita staring towards the mountain where the moon was setting.

"Guys, We need to be prepared for anything", commanded Echo now standing up in her feet especially looking at Anahita.

The birds chirped, the sky couldn't be darker and the fire faded away with the cold wind.

Echo looked at herself. Her velvet shirt was torn but her pants remained the same. She adjusted her braided bun and it was really easy to do without a mirror because she never experienced herself in the mirror.

She was excited to see herself in a mirror for the first time in the dawn of the Night monster world.

Echo, Anahita, and Barbara spent their night in the plain land where there were only red sand and random trees with rocks underneath. If Echo goes to the mountain pointing north was the place where she saw Argus in the dream, that was also the place she went in her last quest.

But her priorities were set, Argus too wanted to save the village instead of himself, thought Echo trying to make herself less guilty.

If the aura couldn't be able to fix then their location would be open, which means monsters would hunt down the vampires and vampiresses. The monsters would soon get into the mortal world as Chillspire stood between the Nightmonster world and the Mortal world.

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