Portal to the 'Nice' Beings.

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The pathway soon became rocky as Echo and Caelan walked through it.

It seemed like a one-way path and Echo was worried for her friends.

"So, you're looking for lavenders eh?", asked Caelan as he placed his hands in his pockets.

"Um. Yes", stuttered Echo.

He got his black-and-white aesthetic while Echo loved her red-and-black one. But it all seemed to vanish away in the dim darkness. Echo realized how stupid she was to not make a conversation with him when she noticed the awkwardness.

"Can I ask you a question if you don't mind?", asked Echo politely putting a hair behind her ear.


"Why are everybody's clothes torn?", asked Echo genuinely.

"Well, most of the heroes that pass realize it really quickly, but it's alright. We are werewolves you see, we transform into one when we get aggressive", explained Caelan looking at her. His eyes were lost in the darkness as if he really didn't choose to be born like this, no one did.

The fact that Echo herself tried to make a wish one day to be something else other than a vampiress. It was hard and so is everybody's life, thought Echo still walking. The humidity rised so did their conversation.

"So you guys get aggressive-"

"It depends. It might be over silly reasons but our calmness can make us choose when to"

Echo smiled.

Finally, the cave path ended. It was so glorious to be back in the oxygen riched world. Echo suddenly spotted the large moon in the sky.

Her jaws pained again and her muscles wiggled. The pain was fresh as if it has never happened. Her leg wobbled as Caelan held her hands. She wanted to suppress the pain as she didn't want to seem like a kid but no one asked her.

"You're gonna be alright", he said holding her hands.

Finally, the pain subsided in her body as her canines stung out and her skin turned paler.

"I'm ok", said Echo feeling like a headache passed through her.

She looked around to see her in front of a field filled with large violet and lilac mixed lavenders dancing in the wind.

She was finally there, after 2 days in the monstrous world.

It was so magical as the yellow sparkles lifted into the sky as each second flew by and the lavenders danced. There was something purple glittering in the side and it was a portal just like the one which led her to the night monster world.

"What is that?", asked Echo looking at Caelan.

"Ooh, that is the portal where the older 'nice' beings are living now."

"Why aren't they living here?"

"'Cause this world is filled with mad night monsters and they need to survive too, you know"

"Well, can we check it out?", asked Echo excitedly. Just after she said she realized that she was taking too much of his time.

He stared at her and then at the portal, then said, "Sure why not"

Echo dumped the lavender into her bag. She didn't want to get in the portal because she was curious. She had a glimpse of it in her dream and it seemed so similar that it made her heart leap. The vibrant colors of red and blue merged into a circle and it rippled each minute. Echo felt her heart raising as she and Caelan held hands and jumped into the portal. It was a different feeling as her heart became hollow. Her troubles and pain were stones and they were taken away.

She opened her eyes to see herself in a cave with a giant hole above which made the light get an entry for free. There were fairies, pixies, mermaids in a pool, unicorns, and pegasus. The place felt magical. The breeze flew around finally making her eyes spot a unicorn in front of her.

It was beautiful but scary when looking at it so close. It was staring at her and Caelan. Echo looked at Caelan and realized that they were still holding hands.

"Oy' Who're you?", asked the unicorn growling at her. 

"I'm Caelan Paxon, a werewolf and this is Echo Scarlett, she is a vampire", said Caelan taking a step closer and looking at the unicorn. After a few seconds of staring at it he said, "You are beautiful!"

The unicorn's eyes widened. It sniffed and spoke, "Really?". Caelan came back to his position nodding.

Echo though, a few steps away could see its blush. Indeed it was looking majestic with its pure white skin and navy blue fur glittering. Its tail was brushed well and it looked like an angel.

After a few seconds, the unicorn looked over to Echo. "You're a vampiress?", it asked.

"Um. Yes, why?"

"I know another vampiress here, she is a too old man", it boomed looking over at Caelan.

Echo's eyes widened. Could it be her mom? Her heart was officially going mad. She clutched her fist looking down. Why was fate messing with her? She wanted to just go back home and sleep but realized that her nightmares won't end unless she take a tiny step. 

"Can I meet her?", asked Echo still looking down. The floor was made of wood and her bangs which were tied up with a ponytail slowly loosened up. It covered her eyes allowing her to pass tears. Something about this world made her feel so homely.

The unicorn was neat, the surroundings clean, and now another vampiress. She was slowly starting to wonder whether this was a distraction from her quest. 

The three, the majestic unicorn, Caelan, and Echo walked through the black cave which was changing its width each second.

Finally, they reached a room-like entrance. Instead of doors were curtains. The unicorn removed it using its horn which was made out of crystal blue explained the unicorn while they were walking.

The room was large like a giant hall. It had nothing except a giant window with a rock bed.

There was a lady sitting on the bed. Looking at her made her heart leap, let alone look closer.

The lady had long black hair which was covering the bed. She glanced back to look at Echo and the others.

"What you got here, Unicorn?", rang her sweet voice. Echo finally realized that it was her mom. Her voice was too familiar to ignore. Echo ran up to her. The lady's eyes widened. They both stared at each other.

"Echo?", cried the lady letting her long arms hug Echo.

Echo let herself down as she cried in her mother's arms. Her nose turned red and her mother hugged her tightly.

Caelan smiled putting his hand on the unicorn. The unicorn sniffed seeing Echo.

Finally, Echo looked at her mom, "Why did you leave me?"

"I never left you dear. I was lost in the city for years. I searched for you everywhere but I didn't see you.", sobbed her mother.

"Where's dad? Is he dead or not?", trembled Echo still in the arms of her mother. 

She had the same black hair as Echo but longer and richer. Her mother's nails were long and she had red lips. It was like being a goth kid in the 80s.

"He is dead", trembled her mother looking deep into Echo's eyes. It was like her mother accepted the truth but feel like Echo will be shattered.

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