First meeting

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One rainy day, Nina was quietly sitting on her window with a half finished coffee cup, sombrely observing every drop that fell down on the ground, yet without actually thinking about them. All that she could think of was her bothers from her past and present. Lately everything she went through left a deep scar. She wanted someone to solve all troubles for her, she needed someone to listen, to care for her but there really wasn't anyone in her life that could do that. Not even her best friend Sasha. She had her own problems, and to overcome them she visited professionals. And that's when it hit Nina, professionals! She thought that would clear everything up, and she immediately made an appointment with a local psychologist, but she had no idea what she just got herself into.

A week later, shakily walking into the tall building on the well known street of Humenné, she made her way into his therapist's office. As she opened the door, an elder man with his hair slick back greeted her with a gentle smile. Nina immediately noticed how imaginably handsome he is. She sat down letting the session start with multiple questions. After some time Nina got comfortable talking so she went all out but every picture in her brain while she spoke made her cry. She simply couldn't help herself. Maťo, her therapist, leaned over the table closer to her, removing her glasses. As he did he wiped her tears and spoke "There's no need to cry. You can overcome everything just like you want to. You know you can't run from your problems but you can run from your bothers. Once you unravel them, make peace with them then distract yourself you'll be on one line again." Nina agreed with him, it sounded nice to her. But then the man added another thing "I can help you forget them." She looked at his eyes wondering what he could mean. "Meet me here tomorrow at the same time, we can start there."

And so she did. She waited 'till tomorrow just for her session to start again. This time Maťo was dressed a little more appropriately. He reached for Nina's hand, her agreeing him to take it. She followed him into his old lada, not knowing where they're going or if she even should follow a person she met yesterday. They drove into the city arriving at a restaurant called Premier on Chemlonská.

Maťo was a true gentleman, he opened doors for her, slid back the chair so she could sit, always offered his hand. It all seemed a little too nice for Nina. She wasn't complaining though, she was getting caught in all his acts, actually forgetting the outside world.

But there was someone who never forgets the outside world. A tall blond lady in a tight silk dress walked the hallway of the psych. center Maťo and Nina just left from. She got to Maťo's office, bluntly opening the door only to find two empty chairs. That executed into her raising an eyebrow, turning back. Closing the door she dialed his number like 3 times, but with no luck, nobody replied. She started walking into her secretary's office, her high heels clacking againts the dark floor. To her arrival she passed a message to let her know when he's back and to find where he was in case he'd wanted to lie about his leave from work.

Her secretary just shook her head and said "Yes Ms. Sophia, you got it!"

Sophia looked at her and left, she took this very seriously, being aware of their job here.

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