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Wally's head rested comfortably on the pillow until he was woken up by the bed shaking rapidly.
He grumbled and sat up, tiredly wiping his eyes to wake up, he noticed the distress Home was in and his eyes widened slightly, it was very rare for Home to be distressed.
"Home? What is the matter?" Wally asked, standing up and retrieving his robe, Home creaked and Wally's eyes widened, "a cry? Where?" Wally frantically rushed towards the front door and placed some shoes on his feet, "In the forest? I'll need a lantern." Wally rushed and grabbed a lantern, lit it and rushed out, "where did you hear it Home?" Wally stared at the eyes of Home, the house looked in the direction of the scream which was to the left, Wally nodded and rushed off.

The lantern was little to no help through the void of darkness within the forest, but he had no choice. As he stepped further into the forest he suddenly heard a scream, Wally's heart stopped. It wasn't any normal scream, it was a baby's scream. "A baby? What's a baby doing all the way out here!" Wally gasped as he began to run towards the noise, the crying had gotten louder until he finally spots it.
A thrashing river was where the dirty and soaked basket remained, the basket had gotten caught on fallen over branches, Wally carefully put down the Lantern and rushed over to the river, he took off his shoes and robe, pulling his PJ trousers up he rushed over to the basket, picked it up by its handle at the back and went back to land. He carefully placed the baby down and brought the lantern closer, it was only now he had noticed the crying had calmed down and turned into muffled sniffles.
The blankets inside were soaking wet and cold, Wally's eyes traced towards the baby inside, their big E/C eyes staring right back at him with wonder, the soft skin and chubby cheeks of the baby applying that it was merely a few months old. But it didn't last long, the baby had broke out crying again, Wally began to panic, what should he do? He knew he needed to take you home, but how? Should he leave you in the soaking wet basket? Should he pick you up and leave the basket here?
He decided against the first option, he was worried about your condition enough and he thought if he left you in the basket, your health would decline more. He carefully picked you up, he was scared. He was always scared of babies, he felt as though they would break under his touch, the baby's cry softened at the warmth of Wally's hands. The puppet set the baby in a comfortable position before grabbing the lantern and looking around, he raised the Lantern up in an attempt to see if this baby was anyone's. But to no avail. Without a second thought Wally turned around and rushed back towards the neighbourhood.

"Home! Open the door, my hands are full." Wally pleaded, Home opened the door and Wally rushed inside, he blew out the candle inside the lantern before setting it down on the table, he turned on the light and finally had a good look at you.
You were beautiful. The cutest baby he had ever seen. But he didn't concentrate too much on that, he had deeds to complete, he looked down at your clothes and winced at how wet they were, only now did he realise how wet his tank top had gotten. Wait- his clothes! He forgot them at the river- he'll have to get them tomorrow.
Wally removed your current clothes and put them in the laundry, he held you as he went to go get a blanket to wrap you in.

Finally he had wrapped you in something warm but you were still crying, you were warm and comfy, but you were still hungry. Wally gritted his teeth with worry, he rushed out the door and ran over to Howdy's, once he got there he began to continuously press the doorbell.
(Howdy's home is above the shop)
Soon Howdy opened the door to his shop and saw Wally holding the baby, his eyes widened and immediately welcomed the two of you in. "Why do you have a baby?" Howdy asked, "I'll explain to you in a bit, can you help me? I need baby clothes and food." Wally pleaded, Howdy nodded and rushed off, Wally made his way upstairs to Howdy's apartment, there Howdy; who was holding bags, opened the door and allowed Wally and himself in.
"Have you gave the baby a bath?" Howdy asked, "I- I dunno how." Wally slowly rocked you back and forth, trying to calm your crying, Howdy nodded and went off the make the food for Wally. Said puppet went over and collapsed on the sofa.

Soon enough, Howdy arrived holding a baby bottle, Wally took it and put it upon your lips, where you happily closed your eyes, and enjoyed the blissful taste of the milk.

Wally explained to Howdy what happened and the caterpillar completely understood, "I can tell you were in a rush, look at you, no shoes, no robe, only a tank top and your PJ trousers." Howdy laughed.

Papa Wally (Wally Darling x child !GN! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now