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You slept soundly in your crib which was now next to Wally's bed. Eddie had looked after you whilst Wally had caught up on some catch eye.

Wally had left you to nap so he could start preparing for tonight. He began to make snacks and drinks, with the help of Eddie of course, that was until a ping came from Eddie's bag, the redhead opened the flap of the lid and saw what was inside, Eddie's original face of confusion turned into one of excitement as he turned to Wally, "hey, I've gotta go but I'll definitely be here tonight alright?" Eddie waved as he left Home before the blue-head could even reply. Wally finished the rest of the food and placed them in its rightful places before going to his room and looking down into your crib.
He sighed with a soft smile, it was only now he was fully taking in that he was finally a farther.
He's always wanted a kid, yet he never had the chance to adopt any child due to their area.

He carefully placed his finger in the baby's palm where the small fingers wrapped around his tightly before hugging it. Wally had to hold back a scream of joy. Home did a quiet creak to show joy. "They're beautiful home. I don't know how I am so lucky." Wally leaned down and kissed your head before carefully ripping his finger away from your hand. Thankfully you didn't do a death grip on him.
He glanced at the time and saw that everyone would be here within an hour.

He was excited.

Papa Wally (Wally Darling x child !GN! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now