Welcome to Magix! Aka More than an Highschool

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*Mike, Vanessa, Bloom , Stella and Neoma walked to outside of Alfea*

Neoma: Oh it's smaller than the Solaria castle, unsurprisingly.

Vanessa: It is pretty impressive and amazing

Mike: Yeah.

Bloom: It makes High School totally lame-o!

Vanessa: We should go check it out nearer.

Bloom: Lets go i am super excited!
Mike: I wonder what their record is for college admissions?

*He runs into the anti-magic barrier.*

Mike: Ahh!! Uh, hey! It's as if there's an invisible wall! I can't get through it!

*He tries to enter, by shoving his face against it but fails.*

Vanessa then puts her hand on it and also cannot go through.*

Bloom: No?

Vanessa: Hm...

*Bloom walks through it without a problem*
Uhm guys are you sure? I don't feel it anywhere.

Neoma: I read it in a book about Alfea. There's a wall where non magical creatures can't pass through, BUT Bloom has Winx.

*Stella and Neoma walk through it*

Neoma: Sorry no Humans allowed.

Mike: Oh well.

Bloom: Goodbye Guys!

Mike and Vanessa: Goodbye Bloom!

Stella: Don't worry i send you back.
*Stella teleports Mike and Vanessa back to earth*

Neoma: Time to walk to the Alfeas Quad! Oh and don't forget about that weird creature.

Bloom: You mean Kiko? Oh right of course!

*Bloom Stella Neoma And Kiko get to the Alfeas Quad*

Stella: Don't worry Bloom! Fairy School is like normal School from what I heard, we have more stylish outfits and magic powers!

Bloom: I am loving it!

Stella: Ick you definitely won't like her.

Bloom: Who is she? She looks scary

Neoma: From what i heard that's Griselda the Queen of Detention and Head of Discipline.

*Griselda asks a new student her information*

Griselda: Name and Place of Origins?

New Student: i am Eleanor of Delona. I signed up online if i am not wrong.
Griselda goes over the list of enrollments.*

Griselda: "Hmmm, I don't see it. I don't see your name and you know what happens if you're not on the list, we turn you into a --"

Eleanor: It took one "l".

Griselda: There you are: Eleanor of Delona, you may come in.

Eleanor: Thank you.

Eleanor walks past Griselda.*

Griselda: NEXT!

Bloom: Oh no. I'm not gonna be on the list.

Stella: Fret not gyawl, I got it all figured out. The princess of Vallisto was supposed to come here this year, but she's doing homeschooling instead.

*Stella conjures the letter*
Stella: It was supposed to be the letter of the announcement. But i Will just not give the letter to the principal

Neoma: It's good that she left. I met her when i was younger and she wasn't the nicest person. Here give it to me!

Winx Club Season 1 Fanfiction/Rewrite?Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα