The Black-Mud Swamp aka The Voice Of Nature

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*The scene starts at the first years attending their first lesson in Palladiums class*

Palladium: So, as I was saying, today's exercise will be rather difficult.

Francine: Professor Palladium, a mosquito just bit me!

Palladium: Well, we are in a swamp, and it's just a mosquito. It's no big deal.

Francine: But look where it got me!

*She lifts one side of her shorts. Palladium, obviously nervous, backs away and stutters.*

Palladium: Oh my! From- Well, um... what I meant was... uh... T-to be "shorts" and to uh eh... the point...

*The students laugh at Palladium.*

Bloom: Poor Professor. Students are giving him a hard time.

Neoma: Maybe if he standed up for himself he would have more respect.

Palladium: A good fairy should be able to listen to what nature tells us. Today's exercise is designed to put your skills to the test. Now, you've all been put into groups, so we're ready to begin. You have three hours to get out of Black-Mud Swamp and reach the clearing in the middle of Gloomy-Wood Forest, without using magic. Remember, listen carefully to the voice of nature, and follow its advice.

*Palladium teleports and leaves the girls in the middle of the swamp. The six main fairies break off in their own little group, getting knee-deep in mud.*

Neoma: What an annoyance.

Stella: This place.... Literally the worst.

Musa: The mud is inconvenient.

Tecna: I don't know if you realize it, but we're knee-deep in what I would refer to as a problematic mud puddle. All right, you guys, take cover! I'll handle it.

*Tecna's hands begin to sparkle.

Bloom: No, Tecna, don't! We have to listen to nature. I smell something, what is it?

Neoma: Are you Sure Paladium can't see us? i mean i would like to spread my wings.

Stella: Don't think about it Neoma. Also he said "listen," not smell.

*Stella sniffs*

Stella: It kinda smells like...

Musa: It smells like gas! Let's get out of here.

Neoma: It could be the cause of Medusa Gas.

Flora: Take Cover!

*The girls hide behind a fallen tree*

Stella: So, what is it?

Bloom: Let's find out! (throws a log) Get down everybody!

Neoma: If it's something that can explode then i hope your ready to get slapped in the afterlife.

*The log bursts the bubble and the gas is released.*

Flora: It's Medusa Gas. its extremely dangerous.

Techna: Great. Atleast we are safe

Bloom:What does the Medusa Gas do?

Flora: That tree turned to stone. Look at it.

Stella: Turned to stone? Talk about being Statuesque.

*All the girls laugh*

Neoma: Hah i would hate that.

*The scene goes to Trix's dorm*

The Trix teleport into their dorm.
Stormy: Ugh, we're finally out. Foulwarp class is totally lame.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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