Alfea College for Fairies aka Save The First Dance

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The Scene begins at Mr Wizgizs classes*

Professor Wizgiz: It's the first class of the year, a year full of great potential and limitless possibilities and that is what metamorphosis is all about.
Metamorphosis is the art of changing how you appear, and once you master it, you can turn into anything from a rock to a rock star. Let me give you a little preview. Look at me now, an average elf, right? Look...

Wizgiz transforms into Griselda.*

Griselda (Wizgiz): me now!

The students gasp in shock.*

Griselda (Wizgiz): Don't worry, I'm not really the Queen of Detention.

The students are relieved.*

Griselda (Wizgiz): The beauty of magic is that you can always go back to being you.
Wizgiz reverts to his original form.*

Wizgiz: But for now we'll start with the basics.

Wizgiz snaps his fingers and mirrors magically appear on his students' desk.*

Wizgiz: We'll warm up with one of the simplest exercises: Changing your hair color. You should all be able to breeze through this one. Look in the mirror, focus your Winx and go. Try to change it.

*Many students succeed expect Bloom*

Bloom: Darn it.

Wizgiz: It's a bit early to fall behind Mrs Peters. You have a lot of homework to do.

*The class ended and the girls went to their dorms*

Bloom: I was the only one to fail!

Neoma: Wow what Melodrama! Chill out bestie.

Stella: You just need to practice practice makes perfect dawling!

Bloom: Yeah, I can do this! It's like when I had to learn how to high jump back in Gardenia.

Neoma: I doubt that really helps
Stella: Shush Neoma don't worry Bloom that's the right attitude! And before you know it, you'll be growing fairy wings!

Bloom: I sure hope so...

Stella: I know it! So let's just give it another try. Let's try this! Think about the best hair day you've had. Think about how happy you were and use that to change your hair color.

Bloom concentrates, but winds up making her bangs stick upwards.*

Bloom: Ugh! Great! This is what I end up with?!

*Neoma tries to hold her laughter*

Stella: I'm just trying to help you, okay! You're a bigger project than I thought... Hmph...

Neoma: Let's go eat breakfast i am starving!

*The girls go to the dining hall*

Stella: You just have to take it day by day.

Bloom: I hope tomorrow is better.

Tecna: Well, the learning curve for the first semester at our new school is quite steep, you know.

Neoma: You just need to connect to your Winx or something like that i think Faragonda said that.

Faragonda: Young ladies, your attention please. I have a very exciting announcement to make: As it is the Alfea tradition we'll kick off the new school year with a formal dance. Our back to school gala will take place tomorrow night and our special guests will be the boys from the Red Fountain School for Heroics and Bravery. We hope you'll be warm and friendly hostesses and make them feel right at home.

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