~~ Denial ~~

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It took a little over two hours to reach the coordinates they'd been given by Edra. Without L's full access to world geography, they kept getting lost and had to swoop down closer to take a look at the location they were passing over. Fortunately for them, except for a number of birds and one low flying plane, they didn't come into contact with anything else. 

After checking their surroundings to be sure there weren't any threats, L sat straighter and began to whistle the tune Edra had taught them. It wasn't familiar to L, but Robbie was humming along in her head. Once she was done, they sat and waited like they'd been told to do. Neither knew what to expect, but considering this was Edra's plan, it could be anything.

A minute passed, then two, then several more, and still nothing happened.

"Did we come to the wrong place? Maybe we're too high... should I fly lower?"

"No, Edra told us where to go, and we've followed her instructions exactly. We just have to wait longer."

They stayed where they were and scanned the sky around them. Fluffy white clouds passed by here and there, but otherwise, there was nothing obstructing their view. If there was anything to see, they should have spotted it by now.

"Maybe Edra was distracted and got it wrong?" Robbie suggested carefully.

L snorted, "There could have been all out war behind her, and Edra wouldn't be distracted enough to make mistakes like that. She knows what she's doing."

Robbie paused before speaking, and L knew something was coming.

"What are you gonna do if Edra tells you off?" Robbie seemed to have been waiting to ask this particular question.

L arched a brow, "I'll give it back to her. I'm an adult, older than even I thought... she can't lecture me just because she disagrees with how I'm handling my own feelings. It's not her place."

L didn't want a confrontation with Edra, or anyone else, but they couldn't just decide her actions for her. She would argue her case if she had to.

"Wait, there!" Robbie called out suddenly. 

She followed the image he provided, and they both watched the sky and clouds beginning to distort. Ripples moved back and forth, stretching across the sky. It was barely a minute of this before a huge building appeared out of nowhere. It floated in front of them with no obvious form of support or flight.

It looked like three red brick town houses had been joined together to make one huge structure, in height and width. Several windows across and six storeys high. The blue front door swung open, and Edra poked her head out. She was in a new form now; middle-aged redhead with a teacher's fashion sense.

"Land on the roof, and we'll bring you in from there."

L waved to show they'd heard her and Robbie flew up to the roof where, to their surprise, a circular landing platform had been carved out. Robbie slowed his descent, and L jumped off just before landing to lighten his load. She coaxed him down until he carefully set down on three legs. He transformed and seemed relieved to have his arm back in the sling.

They peered around the roof, but there were no signs of a door or even a window to get through. L was about to ask Robbie to blast a way in when a piece of the grey slate roof was pushed out to their right. It turned out to be a makeshift door, and Walter was standing beneath it.

"Welcome back." He said with a fang filled smile and beckoned them inside.

They walked over to see steps and a landing beyond the door. It had been well adapted, and L wondered where this had been all this time. She took the bags and made Robbie climb down first, watching to make sure he didn't fall. Once he was done, she followed, closing the door behind her, and greeted Walter when she reached the bottom.

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