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Rosie and Pierce run through the yard with their dog Spark and mom chasing after them. Their mother had just called for dinner from the back porch but instead of going inside the two kids ran away giggling.

They had gotten to the place house and Pierce was already inside while Rosie was climbing the ladder before her mom grabbed her off the ladder laughing.

"Get down here Pierce. Or I'm gonna steal your sister!"

Rosie laughed at what her mother had said watching her brother poked his head out of the door worriedly before climbing down. Her mom placed Rosie next to Pierce and led the two kids inside where their dad was waiting with a cake that said "Happy 6th birthday Rosie!"

Rosie jumped in her chair quickly when she saw the cake. It was always the birthday tradition that they ate the cake before dinner on that one day. After they had sung and let Rosie blow out her candles they began to eat.

"Momma, can we go to the store tomorrow? Papa gave me some money to spend at the store."

Rosie begged her mother wanting to spend all the money she had gotten right away like it wouldn't be any good after tomorrow.

"We can, but you have to go to bed early so you wake up in time."

Her mother turned this into something to get herself some more sleep. Rosie still nodded her head accepting the requirements before hopping off her chair. She grabbed her plate, scraped it off, and put it in the sink. She quickly hurried to the bathroom waiting for her mom so she could take a bath.

After Rosie was washed up she laid down. Her mother walked in right before she shut off her lights with a little box.

"It's your present from me and your father."

Rosie took the little box and unwrapped it quickly. When she opened it, inside was a gold necklace with a small gold rose on the end of it. Rosie tackled her mom in a hug and turned around so her mom could clip it on before laying back down.

"Goodnight Rosie."

The next morning Rosie awoke extremely early. She ran into her brother's room effectively waking him up by jumping on his bed. She went over to Spark's bed to pat him on the head. She then walked out going to her mother and father's room waking them both up.

"Give us a couple of minutes Rosie, it's seven o'clock in the morning."

Rosie looked over at the digital clock on her mom's nightstand not realizing what time it was before crawling in between her mom and dad and going right back to sleep.

I'm about an hour they all woke back up and went to the store. Rosie went through the aisles grabbing anything pink or blue she could find. When they got to the checkout line she still hadn't spent all her money so she grabbed nine chocolate bars to make up for it.

They finished loading up all of the bags then they got into the car. Rosie was playing with a small toy she got from the clearance section and Pierce was questioning his mom on why Rosie got money and he didn't. They stopped at a red light where their mom started playing music. The light turned green and she started going forward. All of a sudden, a huge truck came out of nowhere and he the car on the side where Rosie and her mom were, the passenger side. 

The family was taken to the hospital. Rosie had a broken leg and a few scratches but nothing horrible. Pierce had a concussion with a few scrapes and bruises. They had been put in a room together when a doctor walked in a kneeled in between their beds.

"Rosie and Pierce, I'm sorry. Your parents didn't make it."

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