0.02 Girls Bathroom

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I woke up picking Spark off the corner of my blanket so I could lift it before getting up. I walked to my closet and grabbed a crop top and cargo pants. I walked into the bathroom, brushed my hair and teeth, and decided to leave my hair down today. Pierce came banging on my door as soon as I had gotten dressed. I yelled a quick "I'm coming!" and then headed out my door.

When I walked downstairs I noticed Pierce had cooked some eggs and bacon so I sat down in my seat next to him and started to eat.

"Alara told me to tell you to meet her at the bathroom."

I looked at him with a curious expression before finally saying what I was thinking.

"Why couldn't she have told me?"

He rolled his eyes getting up and cleaning his plate. He had to shout a bit so I could hear him over the water.

"She didn't think you were awake yet. Which you weren't."

He was right about that. I'm usually never awake on time. I didn't wake up too late this morning though but I don't normally check my phone when I wake up so I guess it is a good thing she texted him. I got up from my chair and took my plate to the sink and washed it when Pierce had finished with his. I walked outside and threw my bag in the back of the car waiting for Pierce so we could start driving to school. It wasn't too far away, we could walk if we really wanted to but it was kind of cold today so we decided against it.

Once we got to the school I met with Alara in the girls' bathroom where she was sitting on the counter with Jade looking in the mirror and fixing her mascara. I threw my bag beside Alara and started questioning them.

"Why did we meet here? We usually meet in the library.'

Jade quickly looked my way not knowing I had showed up yet. They both had very different reactions to me being there. Jade was a lot more positive, but Alara had the answer I actually wanted.

"Hi, Rosie. We are in here because we wanted a change of scenery."

"Destiny and her goons kicked us out."

I was shocked that Destiny would even step foot into a library, she wasn't exactly the smartest but that didn't matter to her because she was pretty. It doesn't matter to anyone at this school really. It doesn't matter to me because I couldnt care less about Destiny Woods. I've tried out for the dance team for the past three years and she refuses to let me join unless I get her a date with my brother which is not happening. She could get that date herself if she really wanted to but she needs an excuse to not let me join the team so she holds it against me every year.

Okay, maybe it does kind of matter to me.

OMG. Im so excited for the next chapter I've already started writing it so it should be out tomorrow.

A Bleeding RoseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora