0.03 The Rose Drips

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After we had all left the bathroom I went to go see Adrian, who I forgot to tell I wouldnt be in the library today. I wasn't surprised to see him waiting outside the door for me. When he saw me his face instantly lit up. He walked over and gave me a side hug before he grabbed my hand and we started walking to my next class.

"Why weren't you in there today? Was it because of Destiny? I saw her in there while I was looking for you."

I nodded my head looking at him and adjusting my backpack strap.

"She kicked me and Jade out so we went to the bathroom to wait for Rosie. Sorry, I completely forgot to text you about it. Even then, my phone has been acting up so I don't know if it would even send."

He took a look at my phone noticing the screen was still extremely cracked.

"You said you were taking it to the shop yesterday. What happened?" I turned over the phone to look at the cracked back as well.

"I had to babysit Leo. Mom had a huge meeting she had to be at so I offered to watch him." I put my phone in my pocket and let my arm hang by my side while we walked.

He looked at me raising an eyebrow. "I could have come over. I wasn't doing anything."

"I thought you said you had work. Did you quit again?" He looked at me like I had just killed his puppy.

"How dare you think of me like that?" He put his hand to his heart dramatically. "But yes, yes I did."

I laughed as we arrived at my classroom door. "I'll see you later, come by the house if you want to. Mom and Leo aren't going to be home."

"I like the sound of that." He laughed and kissed me and started to walk away.

I walked into my classroom noticing the work on the board groaning a bit before sitting next to Jade. "Adrian coming over later tonight. My mom and brother aren't going to be home so I'm going to get some alone time with just me and him."

Jade squealed a little bit jumping in her seat. "Finally! Have fun, you deserve it."

I smiled at her before deciding to invite her as well, "You can come too. Just before 7:00."

She smiled back clapping her hands like a toddler would. "I will definitely be there. Give you a little pep talk before hand."


I got home and set my bags down on the couch. Our living room had dark blue walls with a bright pink carpet and old and yellow couches. My mom spent most of her time at work and me and my brother spent most of our time out or at school so we didnt care much for what our house looked like.

I went to the kitchen that had a sink full of dishes and decided to do them. I was embarrassed at first to bring Adrian here but Jade convinced me it was all right. I sat down on the couch and grabbed a grey blanket to cover up with after finishing the dishes. I turned on a movie and began watching it waiting for Jade to text me.

Halfway throught the movie i got a text. This text wasnt from Jade or even Adrian. It was from a number i didnt recognize so i didnt care to read. I put my phone down and continued watching the movie. My phone soon began buzzing again with the same number sending me a bunch of texts.

I picked up my phone and decided to read the texts in case it was an emergency. I opened the texts and they were telling me to open the door. I heard knocking but it didnt sound like it was on the door. Still, i got up and went to check the door. It was locked when I got there, i thought that was good but i dont remember ever locking it. I looked through the peep hole and didnt see anything but i still coldnt be sure so i grabbed my phone, turned off the tv and booked it to my room. When i got into my room i closed the door and locked it before checking my closet and movig everything from underneath my bed so i could check there. I dont know what or who couldve been here but i wasnt taking chances.

It had been an hour or two and nothing had happened so I decided to go shower for when Adrian gets here. I grabbed my clothes and headed to the bathroom. The door was open like it usually was so I just walked in and closed it before turning the shower on. I had just taken down my hair when I was dragged from the bathroom. I screamed not having any idea who it was until i looked behind me.

I laughed kind of shocked they showed up like this. "Oh my gosh. Its just you, you gave me a heartattack. Why are you here?"

They tilted their head and puled something from behind their back. The first thing i noticed was that it was shiny. When they brought it out fully i knew it was a knife. I looked up slowly and made eye contact with them before running into the closest door which was the bathroom before locking the door as quick as i could before looking for a weapon. I turned towards the towel rack and pulled on it as hard as i could until it broke off.

I turned towards the door with the towel rack hearing the door knob start to jiggle. "Let me in Alara! It's your destiny, its meant to happen!" "They will figure you out! You've messed with the wrong group!" Then, the door knob broke off. I was standing on top of the counter so when they walked in I grabbed their hair and pushed them towards the bathtub knocking them in their head and back a couple times before running for the front door.

I ran past the kitchen first grabbing a knife before running towwards the front door. I opened it and ran out not rembering that it had been lcked before. And i wasnt the one who unlocked it. When i ran out i got grabbed by my wrists. I tried stabbing them with the knife in my hand but it was impossible by the way they held my hands. They dragged me back inside while i screamed. When they faced me towards them I lifted my knee as hard as i could. They instantly let me go so i ran outside grabbed my phone from the ground where i dropped it and noticed Adrian was calling. I answered.

I was out of breath running to my neighbors house. "Please! Let me in!" I ran to the back into their shed to hide while i hung up on Adria and called the police.

"Please, someones trying to kill me, their name is-"

Third person POV

A gunshot rang through the neighborhood. The police were questioning Alara while the killer walked out of the shed, the gun left behind. A boy by the name of Adrian had hurried into his car heading to his girlfriends house after the concerning call. He walked into the house noticing the destruction and the door cracked open.

"Alara? What happened?" He continued into the house noticing the towel rack on the ground. He noticed the backdoor open and checked out there since she wasnt inside. "Alara!" He looked around before noticing the shed door wide open with blood splattered all over it. He ran over looking inside finding Alara. She had a gunshot wound in the middle of her head. He couldnt move. He was frozen. He noticed her phone on the ground and sunk down next to her picking it up.

"Shes gone. Shes dead."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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