Chap.24 A confession ?

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⚠So everyone are alive, the story may or may not contain some oc's⚠

(......) I talk

(......) Quotes of the characters / Oc

(???~ ...) Characters / Oc are talking


" My Father was a dreamer , my hero n he was smart , tough guy from poland , a cutter of lady's handbags , an old socialist n unionist who always considered himself a failure . His big line was : ' Don't end up like me ' . " From Alan King

Three days happen since this night . It was soon exams so all of mikey friends were busy studying and izana was studying to so he could show takemichi that he is better than mikey . Inui offered takemichi to have again a study sesion but takemichi politely refused , inui was kinda sad but he didn't really minded it he knew that takemichi didn't need to .

Mikey and takemichi were hanging out , the teachers weren't really happy that they weren't studying but because previously they had the best grades they let them do . They weren't the only ones but the teachers did not argue with them, but they did made them disagrable remarks to make them understand that they should go study but the student didn't not read between the lines, they were too stupid to understand what the teachers really meant . 

Between the girls an argument broke out and two clans were created, the clan of emma sano and Aio Hino . They never got into hands yet , but they did argue a lot , emma the girl boss she is always had good respond to Aio remarks and that was making aio very angry

A morning takemichi and mikey were getting out of their room but at the front of the room a letter was there , a heart was on it and it was written 'for takemichi'

in the letter we could read .

' Good Morning my dear Takemichi-kun

As I sit here writing this letter to you , my heart is pounding with anticipation and nervousness. I have something important to tell you, something that I have been holding inside for far too long. And so, I ask you to meet me under the old oak tree in the courtyard .

There, under the shade of the tree , Please join me there at 10am  I want to confess my feelings to you. I want to tell you how much you mean to me, how you have changed my life in so many beautiful ways. You have brought joy and happiness into my life, and I cannot imagine a future without you by my side .

As I look up at the branches of the tree, I am reminded of the way your eyes sparkle in the sunlight, and the way your laughter echoes through the air. I want you to hold my hand, to feel your warmth and your love, and to tell you everything that is in my heart.

Please meet me under the old oak tree . Let us share a moment of magic, a moment of honesty and vulnerability, where we can lay our hearts bare and let the truth shine through.

I will be waiting for you there, my prince , with open arms and an open heart.

Yours always and forever  ♥ 

Secret '

Takemichi ~ Huh ? Who could have write it ?

Yes takemichi is very smart and he loves to analyse people but he only analyse people that he find interesting , he does know that mikey and izana have something for him but he also know that they won't confess yet . The one that wrote it is someone that he isn't interested in . There were a lot of people but with the base that he have that shouldn't be too hard 

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