The ordinary to extraordinary

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As the sun set over the city, Lyra sat infront of her computer screen, her fingers were dancing across the keyboard as she worked on her latest hack. She had always been fascinated by technology and had taught herself to code at a young age, finding excitement in the thrill of the challenge.

But Lyra was not your typical hacker. She was an orphan, abandoned by her parents at a young age and left herself on the streets. She had learned to survive by any means necessary, using her intelligence and cunning to get by.

Now, as she sat in her own apartment, she couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction as she broke through the security systems of some of the most well-known corporations in the world. It was all just for fun, but she couldn't deny the rush of adrenaline that came with each successful hack.

Despite her skills, Lyra struggled to make ends meet because she is a sponsor of many orphans . She took odd jobs here and there, working in fast food restaurants and retail stores, but never staying in one place for long. It was during one of her periods at a local supermarket that her life took an unexpected turn.

Lyra was doing her job at the supermarket when a customer grabbed a drink, drank it, and left without paying. Nobody in the supermarket questioned him, so she confronted him and asked him to pay for the drink. Little did she know that he was a police officer. She ran after him and stopped him.

"Sorry to interrupt you sir, but as far i as know you didn't payed for the drink you drank earlier. And as a staff here, I can't let you leave unless you pay." Lyra said it without any fear

"Do you know who i am?" He slapped her by saying this.

Lyra stumbled backward, her cheek stinging from the force of the man's slap. She felt a rush of anger and fear well up inside her, but she tried to stay calm and professional.

"I don't care who you are," she said firmly, trying to keep her voice steady. "Violence is never an acceptable way of answering."

The man sneered at her, his eyes cold and calculating. "You should be careful who you cross," he said, his voice low and threatening. "I could make your life very difficult if I wanted to."

Lyra refused to be intimidated. "I don't respond well to threats," she said, her eyes locked with his. "But I do respond to injustice."

The man looked at her for a moment, then turned and walked away, leaving Lyra standing there, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew that she had stood up for herself and for what was right. As she took a deep breath and tried to steady herself, Lyra couldn't help but wonder what other challenges lay ahead of her.

After a long day of struggling, Lyra went back to her apartment and started watching TV, as she normally did. Coincidentally, she saw a news report about a mafia head getting arrested for smuggling, and she realized that the person who had beaten her earlier that day was the one responsible for the arrest.

"how can a person like that can arrest a head of mafia without thinking any consequences. Is he really a dedicated police officer?" She asked like somebody is there to answer her.

She became curious, so she decided to dig deep into the case. She hacked into the police security system where evidence of the mafia head's information was kept. As she started to read the case, she accidentally deleted everything.

She zoned out for a second. "This case could be beneficial!" she exclaimed with excitement. "I could ask the mafia head for money if he can't be jailed tomorrow due to lack of evidence. Yes!' She started dancing in joy.

It was not just a thought in her head. She was consumed with a desire for revenge. She knew, with 100% certainty, that a police officer like him couldn't be a law-abiding one. If the mafia head was able to get free, then that man would get what he deserved.

Lyra's heart was pounding with excitement and anticipation. She knew she had stumbled upon something big, something that could change her life forever. She quickly saved whatever data she could retrieve and started planning her next move.

For the next few days, Lyra worked tirelessly, pouring over every piece of information she had gathered. She finally came up with a plan to take down the corrupt police officer and get her revenge on him.

Lyra knew that she needed help to pull off the plan, and so she reached out to her closest friend, Max. Max was also a skilled hacker and had always been supportive of Lyra's endeavors.

Together, they started executing the plan. They hacked into the police department's system and leaked evidence that incriminated the police officer. The media caught wind of the story and it soon became a national scandal.

The police officer was suspended pending investigation, and Lyra couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction as she watched the events unfold. She had finally got her revenge.

But the story didn't end there. The mafia head, who had been released due to lack of evidence, reached out to Lyra and Max. He offered them a job as his personal hackers, they refused the job but accepted the prize money he offered.

Lyra and Max were unaware of the mess they had created and where it would lead them.

The police started searching every corner for her. She had taken up hacking as a job. During the day, she worked at a supermarket, and at night, she took up jobs for anyone who offered her money - the more, the better.

She started to dabble in smuggling work. One day, a gangster came to her to offer a work but she refused due to it's risks. Some works requires participation just by being present and It is better to avoid that kind of work.

That was sunday night when she was surrounded by a group of gangster. She started to fight with everything she got. But they caught her off guard.

Despite her effort, the gangsters eventually overpowered her. They tied her hands and threw her into the back of a van, which then drove off into the night. Lyra couldn't believe what had just happened. She had always been careful, always been aware of her surroundings. How could she have let her guard down like that?.

As the van drove deeper into the city, Lyra tried to stay calm and come up with a plan. She knew that these gangsters were dangerous and that they wouldn't hesitate to hurt her if she resisted. But at the same time, she couldn't just sit there and wait for whatever they had planned.

After what seemed like hours, the van finally came to a stop. The gangsters dragged her out and into a dark, dingy warehouse. It was clear that this was their base of operations, and Lyra knew that she was in for a long night.

One of the gangsters stepped forward, a sneer on his face. "You thought you could fight us, little girl?" he said. "Well, now you're going to pay the price."

Lyra tried to keep her cool, but she was terrified. She didn't know what they had planned for her, but she knew it wasn't going to be good."Everything is happening for a reason but what would be their reason? If all these for my skill why can't they ask me nicely? why all these mess?".

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