That's where it all began

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Lyra opened her eyes slowly and found herself lying on the cold concrete floor, her head is throbbing with pain. As she tried to sit up, she realized that her hands were no longer tied, but her body was sore all over.

She looked around and saw that the chaotic room was now empty, except for a few scattered chairs and a broken table. It was then that she realized that it wasn't a dream, that it had all really happened.

"It all started there," she whispered to herself, her mind racing as she tried to piece together the events of that fateful night.

Lyra checked her pocket, took out her phone, and called Max. Max came to pick her up. When he arrived, he asked, "What happened?" Lyra explained what had happened to her.

"What the hell are you talking about? Where can we find that clip? Don't you remember what we did with it?" Max's frustration was starting to show.

Lyra shook her head, trying to clear the fog in her mind. "I don't know, Max. Everything's a blur. All I remember is being knocked out and waking up here. And the clip, what should we do about it"

Max let out a frustrated sigh. "Damn it, Lyra, we need to move from here. Lets go to somewhere else atleast for a time being ."

Lyra nodded,. "I know, Max.let's go"

They both got into Max's car, and as they drove towards their destination, Lyra tried to recall every detail from that night. The more she thought about it, the more confused she became.

"Let's leave this country. I think it's better not to be around them. The chance of you getting caught again is really high. I'll call a friend of mine who works in travel. Pack your things. We'll be leaving tomorrow," Max said as he dropped her off at her apartment before leaving.

Lyra started packing her things, but she hadn't fully recovered from yesterday. Normally, she was a brave girl, but the memory of Derek's demanding look when he asked for the clip was running through her head like a marathon.

The next day, Max came to pick her up. "Didn't you sleep last night?" he asked.
Lyra avoided the question, but Max pulled her hand and asked, "Lyra, I'm asking you."

"I slept really well last night. It's been a long time since I've had a good sleep," Lyra replied mockingly.

"Lyra babe, I know you hate leaving here. I know you have many commitments here, but it's all for your own good. Why can't you understand that?"

"I know, but I don't know why I can't accept it. Never mind, let's just start driving," Lyra said as Max began to drive, and she sat by glancing out the window.

Airport is really far from their city, and they were already halfway there when Lyra noticed a car following them. She informed Max, "Max, I think that car has been following us for a while. I'm sure it's them."

Max started to drive faster, but they got blocked by a truck. He honked, trying to get past it. However, they were then blocked by several cars in a way that made it impossible to move. They started to sense smoke and both of them eventually fell unconscious.

Both of them got their consciousness back and they are now in a big room surrounded by many guys carrying gun. Max and Lyra is sitting face to face in 5 meter distance. Max is tied to a chair in a way he can't move

"What the hell did you guys want?" Lyra screamed

"The clip, Lyra. How many time should i repeat that, THE CLIP" Derek answered, sitting in a chair like boss

"I have no idea what you are asking about" Lyra replied in a sensitive way

"So this is how you want to play right? Okay let's play this. Remember you started this. Derek looked at one of his men with a cudgel and he started to beat up Max

"No!" Lyra screamed, crying.

Derek walks towards Lyra. He knelt down and bent towards her and said "The more you keep lying, the more he will be beaten. Your choice dear"

"Derek please stop this". Lyra begged.

"This is not what i wanted, Lyra. If i wanted to make you beg, i would have done it yesterday. Look at Max, the friendship of more than a decade, i guess, is going to end infront of your eyes. How fascinating, right?Derek said as he looked into Lyra's eyes

"This is not working just kill him" Derek stood up saying this and ordered one of his men to kill Max

"I-I sold it, I don't know who the murderer is, he offered me perfect sum of money and i just sold it to avoid consequences" Lyra said and she started crying " Iam sorry, i never thought of gangsters like you when i made that decision. Please, don't kill him".

"Did you see the face of the one who killed?" Derek asked calmly

"Ye-yes?" Lyra answered confusingly

"Show her those" Derek ordered his men to show her some photographs to identify the culprit

"None of them" Lyra said as her head bowed down in remorse, regretting her wrong doings

"Bring him here", Derek ordered. They brought an artist and a canvas.

Derek looked at a man named Ken. That look exchanged many conversations at once and he left without saying anything

"Describe the features of the murderer you remember and he will help you to create the sketch". Ken said before leaving

Lyra was really confused now. It looked like the victim was someone close to Derek, yet didn't harm her for her actions.
She started to recall the features she remembered, althrough she barely remembered his face. The artist drew the picture accordingly.

"It's ready" the artist said.

Derek took a long, hard look at the sketch,his face turned red and gave Lyra a glare that pierced pierced through her heart

"What the hell is this?" Derek said as the artist left the room. "I'm neither an artist nor a person with high IQ, what did you expect from me?I can barely remember the face how can i explain the features?

Derek sighed heavily, his mind racing as he struggled to control his anger.

"You're free to go," Derek said,gesturing Max leave the room.

"Come on, lets go" Max said to Lyra ,and she nodded

"I said you are free to go, not her". Derek said angrily

"You got what you want so why are you keeping her?" Max asked

"You call this a sketch?" Derek threw the sketch ar Max's face

"So what do you want now?" Max started to get angry

"I said you can go. Ken, get him out of my sight" Derek ordered.

"Im not leaving without her" Max said, disappovingly

Derek picked up the phone and dialed a number he knew by heart. "It's me," he said as soon as the line connected. " Meet me at the usual place."

"Make sure I don't see him when i came back" Derek said before leaving

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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