Unintented consequences

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The chaotic room became silent. Lyra could hear her own breath now. A man with his entourage was walking towards her.
'Let me go! What do you want?' Lyra started screaming.

'If we wanted to let you go that easily, why should we have bothered by bringing you here?' he said calmly. 'Nice to meet you, I'm Derek. Sorry, your hands are tied. So, do you want to know why you're here?'

Lyra's heart was pounding in her chest as she looked at him. She had no idea who they were or why they had brought her here, and the fact that her hands were tied only added to her sense of helplessness.

Despite her fear, Lyra tried to stay calm and composed. 'Yes, please,' she said, her voice shaking slightly. 'I would like to know why I'm here.'

Derek smiled, but there was no warmth in it. 'Where is the clip?' he asked. 'I need it.'
Lyra frowned. 'What clip?' she asked.

'Look, Lyra.' Derek leaned towards her and lifted her chin, bringing her gaze up to meet his. 'Do you remember this?' He showed her a locket that had been missing for a year.

She looked at him, surprised. 'That's mine,' she answered him with a questioning face. 'What does it have to do with me being here?' she asked.

'Do you remember the last day you saw this?' Derek asked. 'No, it was a just gift from my friend and it was missing for about a year.'

'Where did you lose this?'. Derek asked with a serious tone "Can you please stop beating around the bush? What do you want?"

"Let's cut to the chase. On October 9, 2021, at night, you witnessed a murder, right? We know you were there and you have evidence of that incident. I want that clip and I want to know who the murderer was," Derek bellowed.

Lyra's face turned red. She is about to fall unconscious. Her head spun as she tried to process the information

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," she stuttered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Derek's expression darkened. "Don't play dumb with me, Lyra.I know you were there. In fact i know everything. Hand me the clip."

"I don't know anything about a murder or any evidence," she said, avoiding Derek's gaze. "Please, just let me go."

Derek sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Fine. Play dumb as much as you want But don't think this is over, Lyra. Take your own time I don't care you being in this warehouse as long as it takes"

With that, he and his entourage turned and left the room, leaving Lyra alone and trembling with fear.

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