Their reactions to you calling them British Nicknames

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Adagio Dazzle

Nickname- pumpkin

“Wha-!? Don’t you d-dare!” Is what she originally Said but seeing how that response disappointed you she groaned “ughhhh fine but only in private!! You ever call it me in public I swear to god!!”

Sonata Dusk

Nickname- Sweetpea

“Hm? Aww that’s sooo cute but uhh what exactly is a sweetpea?” Her response made you giggle especially when she tried to guess what you were on about

Aria Blaze

Nickname- Beaut

“Ugh what…!? D-do not call me that!” Seeing the disappointment on your face she felt bad but tried to hide it. Eventually she gave in. “Uhhhh whatever it’s not like I care anyway..”

Sunset Shimmer

Nickname- Treasure

Pre Bully- “D-did you just call me treasure…? Well I suppose I am this schools greatest treasure so go ahead. Say it again” you playfully roll your eyes and say it again just to fuel her massive ego

Post Bully- “you really think that highly of me…? Th-thank you but I don’t deserve it..” you then proceed to cuddle her and tell her how much she means to you


Nickname- Sweetheart

“Aww come on I know I’m awesome but do you really have to call me that in public?” As you look down with a fake pout she sighs “fine.. call it me as much as you want just don’t pout”


Nickname- Flower

“Aww sugar cube that’s mighty sweet of ya. Although I work with Apples not Flowers” you then proceed to say your reasoning. “Well like how flowers bring colour to the world you bring it into mine” she blushed and covered her face with her hat while you giggled


Nickname- Teacup

She just turned bright red and stuttered every time you called her it until she got used to it and even gave you the nickname bunny


Nickname- Poppet

“Aww Darling that’s adorable. I love it!! And it sounds so posh! It’s just perfect! Well not as perfect as you or me but you know still perfect”

Pinkie Pie

Nickname- Buttercup

“Oooo Buttercup!! I like that! It just rooollllllssssss of the tongue!! Buttercup! bUttErcUp~! Buttercuuppp!!” She continuously said the nickname in different silly voices which made you laugh and you guys made it an inside joke for you to call her it in silly voices leaving the others confused

Ok that’s it for this one! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!! Have a good day/night depending on where you are! :D

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